
Truth about UFOs.?

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Unidentified Flying Objects. They have been around since early man. (drawings in caves have been found of UFOs.)

The goverment IS trying to cover up UFO related incidents,there are thousands of UFO sightings every year. But what are they? Ive narrowed down all the possibilites:

Time Travellers.


Top secret military aircraft.

What do you think they are?




  1. Where that just proves that we are not alone in the universe, they are unknown creatures that exist and there are unknown planets that exist, we don't have enough technology to figure out where these unknown things are or why they visit the earth and leave, when I was a little boy at at party that was out side I saw what looked liked an UFO it was small and it was silver gray and it has strange red lights on it, till this day I still remember that.

  2. The only way we'll ever know is if it is to late, or the government makes public the newest technology.  If it is to late, the government couldn't control the situation and we're gonna know.  If they reveal the newest secrets, we're probably in a new conflict with another country and trying it out on them.

  3. just everyday flying things that you not sure what they are, cos if you do know what they are its not a UFO.

  4. Bottom 2, tell you why.

    1) Flying Saucers have been around since early man without a doubt, like you said earlier.

    2) Some of the UFOs seen today may,NO, are Top Secret Gov Projects that get mistakenly identified. I'm looking forward to the day when the Gov finally admitts to its coverup, but that will only happen when the Real Extraterrestrials make global contact.

  5. Beats me!!..but there are reports of one..or my area..started in St. Augustine (also in Germany)...They say they're "Lanterns"...(Maybe they're that priest's balloons!)

    Watch the news. It's on ours..but don't know if it's on national news or not. They were reported Sunday, I think.

  6. Well, perhaps they visited us many thousands of years ago and a caveman made a drawing of it. But certainly there are more probable explanations of what Og the Caveman was depicting on the wall, and I'm not aware of any anthropologists who have said, "oh, and here is a cave painting of a UFO...". There are plentiful explanations for the lights in the sky that people sometimes see, and the alien hypothesis isn't necessary to explain them. Even if some reports have gone unexplained, unexplained does not necessarily mean it's an alien spaceship, and often reports go unexplained just due to poor detail in the report.

    That being said, there's no reason by which I could disprove that aliens have visited us even if I wanted to. I certainly hope they are out there, somewhere, and it would be great if we did discover them. However, the evidence just isn't there yet.

  7. 70% are alien driven craft.25% are automated unmanned space probes from other planets.5% are us goverment secret trinagle shaped craft.Most alien craft are just stopping to check us out then rushing of to the next inhabitaled planet in the next star systerm.Up to 100 different aliens races may visit earth in any given year.

  8. Time travellers? Sure, we should have met some with really accurate predictions.


    ET? Why bother.

    Do you really understand the incredible vastness of space and the limits of travel?

    Military? Yes of course because we all know the military lies to us. I am not kidding or being cupidic on that one.

    But the military have nothing that can match the reports, even if they were willing to release it.

    If the USA was able to build a Death-star and ream out Uranus they would not hesitate. They would ream out Uranus gleefully just to show they could.

  9. I don't know and I don't think we ever will.Not with all the false reports and obvious fakery we're bombarded with.

  10. Aliens.  They are real-  people are just stubborn about revealing it to us.  It's not such a big deal!

  11. Ok people, I know some of you (if not all of you) will deem me crazy for this one, but I think they're demons-But before you go "Oh, wow- listen to this s***....she's crazy....." just hear me out. My explination makes sense.

    I know there are ALOT of psycho christian freaks out there ( I am a Christian, but I'm not one of the crazy ones) that preach about alians being demons, or worse- not recognizing their existance at all.

    I'm not an avid religious person, but I tend to relate a lot of things to the Bible.........ans so, let me explain this to you.

                                         In my opinion:

    The so-called "devil" tempts Eve with knowlege. He succeeds.  (point one)

    The "devil" is "God's" opposite (point two- everything we know about within the realm of science has an opposite)

    The ancient people's of Maya and Egypt (just two prime examples) posessed mathematical and geometrical knowlege that even our smartes scientists are baffled by- as they cannot figure out how they had attained such sophisticated concepts; and there ARE pictorials of "space men" and weird crafts in the sky in ancient Myan and Egyptian artwork. (point four- they have been here for thousands of years)

    (point five)

    In the Bible is states that the "devil" is the master of flight. What are UFO's? Unidentified FLYING objects that can apparantly travel at the speed of light.

    The "alians" main focus is the human reproductive system

    (point six- the "devil" is trying to become "God" and create life- one thing that he cannot possibly do, and is forbidden to do, because true "life" has to be inhabited by soul- and you cannot scientifically create a soul.

    Anyone sho has ever had an encounter or "abduction experiance" claims that they are completely negitive (their energy- we as humans have positive soul energy because we are created in innocence and light. The so-called "alians" enery is described as negitive/black, void of soul). (point seven- the "devil" mocks everything that "God" does ie( there is the Bible, and the satanic bible, angels vs. demons, dove vs. the raven, love vs hate, so on and so forth.) Why not create a race of beings too?

    If you were on the verge of being abducted and you uttered the name of Jesus, they either dissappear or let you be (and there have been quite a few documentations on this aspect of abduction)- ( point eight- they CANNOT infringe upon you if you utter religious prayers). Why? If they were truly extraterrestrial do you think they would care? No. I don't think so.

    The Bible clearly states that the "devil" is the master of lies (point nine- what better way for him to hide than behind our world of "scientific veiling"- the world today is purely scientific, and he knows people are against the whole idea of the "God vs the "devil" thing.......and that if there ever WERE some sort of proof, people would just accept the "extraterestrial cover."

    You see, the "devil" is the one who brought knowlege upon us, and therefore he is the ultimate authority of physical knowlege as we know it upon this earth (besides "God" of course). He is using his vast scientific knowlege to create physical bodies for demons to posess so that they may become real to us, and we might be fooled by his plan for us to believe that the "alians" are nothing more than other beings from somewhere far, far away in another galaxy in the universe- when really............they've been here this whole time

    giving us the technology to destroy ourselves. It's true that they are creating hybrids, but these hybrids have no soul- the "devil" is dissatisfied with that. He is not merely trying to create life- he is trying to create a soul born of light (that which he will never be able to do). Not only that, but the case studies of "alian abduction" indicate that a lot of religious people loose their faith and turn to science and paganism after these experiances. People are starting to believe there is no "God" because of them.

    I obviously have no idea of what your faith is, but one thing is for certain- they are here. I think when dealing with things like this (the unexplainable), we need to take everything throughout history into consideration and try to paste these small and spread-out pieces of the puzzle together. I did that- and this is my conclusion. I hope I could shed some light.

    "The truth is out there....."   lol (I just thought we could all use a little comic releif after that breifing.......)

  12. I have to suspect top secret military aircraft. The odds are in favor of there being other intelligent life in the universe, and time travel (at least forward time travel) is possible, but top secret military aircraft seems the most likely.

  13. Extraterrestrials, the universe is just too broad for anyone to even try to rule out their existence. There are infinite life forms out there, I have no doubt there are even systems in the universe as advanced, if not more advanced than our own. I know this sounds like the basis of science fiction, but I do believe it bears some validity.

  14. I believe in em, I've seen 2 when I was a small child.

    If there were ancient cave paintings of UFO's clearly its not top secret military :P

  15. If the government is trying to cover up sightings, they're doing a really lousy job of it - everyone's always talking about them.  And if you think on top of that the government is hiding some big alien secret, I think you're giving them WAY too much credit.

    I think you forgot a few things from your list.  Here are just a few that have been reported to me, your local friendly astronomer, as UFOs: meteors, Venus, birds, the space station, iridium flashes, oddly shaped buildings.

  16. time travelers, makes sense to me.

    it would explain a lot..

  17. There are exactly zero ancient carvings, paintings and old cave drawings that definitively depict UFOs.  There is exactly zero evidence extraterrestrial UFOs have visited this planet.  There is exactly zero evidence such non-existent visitations were covered up by the Big Bad Government.

    Out of this entire universe, you've narrowed down reported UFOs to three possible causes?  Would you mind providing the evidence on which you've made this conclusion?  Chances are you have deduced these are the most likely possibilities based on *the evidence you take for granted*.  In that event you may very well be right.

    Perhaps you shouldn't take such evidence for granted.  Once you start to do that you'll find there is a much simpler and more plausible explanation for UFO phenomena.

  18. I suspect all three answers are correct. I have seen enough reports on experimental aircraft to not assume some are being seen . Second, some craft move in such unusual ways to indicate antigravity or an inertialess drive,neither of which we can do at the present time. This means an advanced civilization far beyond our capabilities, so they must be from another planet or time.

  19. Yes to all of the above. I believe we were planted here. But that is my opinion.

    Other countries around the globe do NOT cover up sightings with lame excuses and theories. There is plenty of information on the internet for you to pour over.

    And maybe one day, you will be fortunate enough to not only see a UFO but to ride in one. But from many many sources, do not pay attention to the cigar shaped ones. The inhabitants are less than nice.
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