
Truth about evolution: parrotfishes?

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there are certain arguments that the world was at constant evolution. there was one argument that says that all the animals (aerial or land animals, even humans), all came from the waters and thus, this means that all of us have become fishes of some sort. i've seen a fish that looks like a real parrot and that gave me something to think about.

in your opinion (or if you may cite some web resources about this), how could this happen? is any of the points of the animals-from-water evolution theory true?

it's really a great mystery for me. :) thanks!




  1. i think it's true. It makes more sense than adam and eve. Read stuff on Charles Darwin. He was one of the first to study evolution

  2. <<in your opinion (or if you may cite some web resources about this), how could this happen?>>

    Minor convergence.  The resemblances are very superficial between parrot fish and parrots.  The fish have a kind of parrot-like beak but, unlike with parrots, this is formed by their teeth.  They have to process food from hard substances.  Parrots face a sort of similar challenge when it comes to cracking hard shells.

    You don't have to be a specialist to tell them apart.

    <<is any of the points of the animals-from-water evolution theory true?>>

    I don't know what your "animals-from-water evolution theory" actually is.  Should you mean something like: "Did one lot of fish lead to parrots, other fish give rise to other terrestrial critters and so on?", then no.

    If you mean vertebrates (animals with backbones) first evolved in the sea and, subsequently, descendants were able to develop so as to occupy the land, then yes.  That theory is very strongly supported by plenty of evidence.

  3. Yes. Every one of our cells is still bathing in sodium chloride solution.

  4. KT makes several good points.. I would also like to add that in the womb babies often exhibit rudimentary gills because our tissues in and around the thymus gland have evolutionary links to the gill arches in fishes. Experiments have shown that manipulating these genes can prevent adequate development of normal thymus tissue and predispose to gill arch architecture Whether people want TO BELIEVE it or not evolution is a fact and is as important to biology as the periodic table is to chemistry

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