
Truth behind mad cow disease and how cows are treated in the US?

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Are cows still fed remains of other cows? Is there an imminent danger of eating contaminated beef? Is it unsafe to eat the meat? How are the cows really treated in the US and are they treated any better in other countries?




  1. We have a cow/calf operation and are the beginning of the industry that supplies your beef.  I cannot speak for anyone further down the line, but our cattle are fed only grass, grain products (in the form of range cubes that supply them with the protein they need in the winter) and hay that we have grown.  Our calves do not receive antibiotics or growth hormones.  We feed them well and look after them so when they go to the sale barn they are big, healthy calves.  We are very aware that the public needs to be assured that the meat they buy is safe and do everything in our power to make sure it is.  Kansas as well as all other states have laws about the maximum age cattle can be when slaughtered and what can not be fed to cattle when they go to the feedlot.   We feed our own beef out and then share it with our daughters and grandchildren.  I sure wouldn't feed them anything that wasn't 100% safe!

  2. Relax.

    YOU are fed the remains of cows (Thanx BK Burgers!)

    You are in danger of eating contaminated meat only if you eat contaminated meat.  If you choose not to do so, you are in NO danger.

    Meat is safe (It's the stuff in it that can be dangerous)

    Cows in the US must graduate High School with at least a 2.5 grade average before they are allowed to enroll at McDonald's.  

    As our cows are educated better, their lot in the US is far superior to that in other countries.

    Hope that was helpful.

    Eat up!

  3. They've made some gruesome discoveries, that suggest they had better straighten up their act in the slaughter houses that is. Cows are NOT fed the remains of other cows. Hopefully they have contained where there was a problem with that, and we do not have this occurrence again. Cows are treated perfectly fine on American farms. I have no idea of other countries, so therefore cannot make any type of statement that way. I have been and will continue to eat beef.

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