
Truth or Myth ? Where did man come from?

by Guest65278  |  earlier

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Religion and the Bible say God.

Science says based on facts that we evolved from apes.

What knowledge of truth do you know?




  1. man comes from GOD. Ask yourself this; if we evolved from apes then why are we not still evolving and if we evolved from apes why do the apes continue to walk on all fours while man walks upright. i had to add this for Topgalant; evolution has never been proven and if so where is this missing link you idiots have never found. you evolution/science people also thought the atom was the smallest particle and you were proven wrong and you also thought the earth was flat and guess what you were proven wrong  and you have been proven wrong about evolution but you want admit it. make sure you take a thermometer to h**l with you so you can do scientific research on how hot the flames are.

  2. well the thing about saying that we came from apes is a myth.......this is because if you do biology your teacher would have explained to you that scientists proposed that we came from micro-organisms( wierd huh) but yeah thats what they say.

    they say ( based on biology) mirco organisms had been on the planet and that over time the micro organism started to engulf one another.( as you know obviously the micro organism must have been unicellular) and when they engulf one another they became multicellular organisms. thereby, allowing the new found organism to take part in normal processes that human being now can do. such as respiration and stuff.

  3. I like to keep my faith with God, but those theories also sound pretty convincing to me too.  If you study history, there were all kinds of theories of the earth and stars too.  We used to think that the world was flat, but then we found out that it was round.  The ancient greeks used to think that the Earth was the center of the universe, but now we know otherwise.  The greeks also used to think that those shiny things in the sky were shiny glass globes, but science proved that otherwise.  I am a big fan of science, because without it, we would be lost.  I just hope that one day science doesn't prove that God was just a theory.

  4. My theory is, that God, a force, an energy whatever you perceive it to be always was. That energy developed into a thought, hence evolution, mankind, more thought creating more energy etc. Did you know when we are in the womb of the mother we actually have gills that develop into lungs?Colliers Encyclopedia under Anatomy. What is wrong with the concept of thought  (God) and science both.

  5. I BELIEVE IN GOD,but their is times i cant help but think apes evolved from humans,we are followers like sheeps destroy people for slef gain,tear down land for condos n money n weapons oh indeed apes are superior animaLS area smarter they been flying a long time ago n ,humans have s*x for fun no ethcis or morals especially in america but i guess theres a god or an alien out there cuz this world dont make sense but then again it does  who knows all i know is that if i believe in going to disney world when i die can u proof me wrong  well i believe in the bible cause theirs alot of wisdom in it   but  i dont no nothing just that im going to belive in god just for insurence if their is one

  6. First of all EVOLUTION is a FACT... it is NOT a theory.... the only people who insist on calling it a theory are the born agains' who don't know squat about science.

    You are trying to over simplify by saying just that man came from apes... it would be just as accurate to say that man evolved from the Horseshoe Crab (which came earlier in the EVOLUTIONARY process).

    The Bible is the bible and Science is Science and THEY ARE NOT THE SAME... The Bible is a collection of stories for the uneducated peasants and it's great reading but IT IS NOT SCIENCE and should not be relied on for a SCIENTIFIC ANSWER.

    Understand this, there is more evidence that EVOLUTION is a FACT than that Geezus ever lived... you can PROVE EVOLUTION... you can NOT prove that Geezus lived..

    To me... that says if you want to believe in something... Darwin is much more reliable than King James.

  7. GOD!

  8. There's a physical reality that explains man.. and Wo-man... The  guiding forces behind this reality some attribute to theoretical science and conjecture based partially on fact and partially on "faith": in the unknown.. Others base the guiding forces entirely on "faith" and they call the source of this faith "God."  Scientists call this "God" an unknown yet-to-be discovered scientific "fact."  They have "faith" that such a "fact" exists.

  9. Neither!!!  We were created in a petri dish by aliens on another planet!  They put us in a rocket and shot us here to the Earth!  The capsul they put us in was time released, you know like pills are now a days, with good soil, a little rain, and lots of sunshine we grew and florished, and here we are today!  Thats my story and I am sticking to It!

  10. Some people say we came from apes or evolution, other say from something else, while still others say that God made us. It's your choice.  Only you can decide if you want to believe the evolutionist, that God created us, or something else made humans.

  11. Evolution is a theory, but has much more supporting evidence than the fable of God. No, the Bible is not proof of anything.

    However, the two aren't entirely mutually exclusive.

  12. The evidence is clear. The fossil record and radiocarbon dating, which

    show incremental and branching progression of species (including the

    incremental progression between australopithecus, homo habilis, homo

    erectus, and homo sapien), and the genetic codes and phenotypes of

    modern species, which show a branching pattern of diversification,

    conclusively prove that humans and other animals were created by

    Jehovah or some other creator, rather than having evolved naturally,

    and that evolution is not fact, but is just a theory or a guess.

    Praise the Lord, His glory is proven!

  13. First, science does not say that we evolved from apes. It says that humans and apes are related, that they diverged from a common ancestor some time ago.

    Religion (well, Christianity) doesn't just say that God created us. It says that among all the life forms, we were a special creation by God, set apart from the other animals.

    I don't see those two viewpoints as incompatible.

  14. i can believe we came from apes. most people still act like apes, just in a modern way. we still compete to mate, its called who can make a better pick up line, and we still have mating rituals, its called flirting. were still territorial, thats why the invented private property, and tresspassing laws. we still carry our kids around until they can walk, we just use strollers now. we still fight all the time, its just arguing now. we still breastfeed, that hasn't evolved at all. we still have all the primal instincts that animals do. if a god really created us, why wouln't he make us less animalistic, and why would he still give us primal instincts. if you see a beutiful woman, you WANT to have s*x with her. you ask her out first, and go on a few dates right?  isnt that just a ffancy mating ritual? but why do we wear condoms when we don't want babies? why do we not just go up and start humping any woman we see? why do we not walk on our fists and beat our chests when we win an argument? why do we watch monday night football instead of gladiators in deathmatches? why do we argue instead of hit each other? it's because we evolved. you might say, god made us that way in the first place, but then why would he not have enough sense to not give us primal instincts that make us want to act like apes? another question you can ask is, why havent we evoved since we became homo sapien? we have. we don't have witch hunts anymore. we don't have rulers with iron fists who have the peasants do their bidding. we don't run around in barbarian hordes burning everything. everything around us exept the universe itself is the result of our evolution. we always had metals, we just evolved and melted them into steel to build better buildings. we always had rocks and minerals. we just evoled and combined them into asphalt to make better roads. we always had oil and gas, we just evolved and made cars that use them. the truth is, we evolve all the time, we just have the primal instincts of apes that make us exhibit evolved versions of their behavior. in reality, we are just smarter, more sophisticated, more industrious, better looking apes.

  15. Science GUESSES that we evolved from apes.  The mysterious "missing link" has never been found and never will because God created mankind.

  16. If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes and what did they evolve from?

  17. We have to look at both science and God, from these angles modern science has given way to working with various religions with all the new findings anthropologists are coming up with.

         The new modern scientists can't turn their backs on what's being rewritten in the history book and, the religions have to follow suit.

         Some States, as modern thinkers as one would guess, are still or have "monkey laws" still on the books that prevent schools from teaching scientific discoveries and put the students at risk at either finding out for themselves or, going along with these backward thoughts. The infamous "monkey trials" of the thirties and twenties that a famous lawyer named Darrow fought.

         I'm guessing the fight will go on as man reaches for the third millennium and beyond but, these are all personal concepts.

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