
Truth or not true?

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I was browsing through youtube about 3 months ago and came across this one video that said UFO's attack small northern Brasil village. It was close to the city of Belem it was at the mouth of the Amazon were Atlantic ocean meets the mouth of the Amazon it happened in the late 70's to a retired now supposably dead Brasilan airforce Luitenant. Did any or any of you Brasilans hear about this or know more and were in Brasil were or the most sightings?




  1. I am Brazilian and I don't really know what you are talking about!!!!!!!!

  2. The CIA has already covered it up.

  3. This is all c**p!

    Liars, liars!

  4. Hi, I am Brazilian from Sao Paulo. I have never heard this story before. I will search on Youtube to find out more...

    Blur: I also never heard of anyone in Brazil and I mean myself, all my family (which is about 200 integrants at least), all my friends that do that to slow the pinning water or whatever it is...

  5. Actually, I DID see this tape (Rob, is that you???). I also saw footage of this witchlike figure floating in the air from one mountain to another. Creeps!

  6. Before you go believing everything you hear from Brazil just remember ... this is a country where 95% of the population puts two liter bottles of water on top of their water meter boxes, because they believe it makes the needle spin slower (and not just a little slower, or hardly noticeable ... I mean like the difference between paying $100 for water a month over paying $20).  EVERYONE DOES IT IN BRAZIL ...

    Just food for thought ....

    I love Brazil and I love Brazilians, but, in large they tend to be overly superstitious , and ... for lack of a better word ... gullible when it comes to stuff like this.  I could give you another ten examples off the top of my head of superstitious behavior like the water bottle on top of the meter that virtually all Brazilians do or believe ...


    You can't go anywhere in Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Parana, Santa Catarina, or Rio Grande do Sul without seeing water bottles on every single water meter box ... I'm sorry but I don't buy the fact that your pining ignorance of something I know is true.

    I have literally hundreds of random photos I could show you from all over Brazil that have dozens of water bottles peppered across the background (and every single one of them is on top of a water meter box).



    É verdade mesmo ... a primeira vez que eu ouvi falar a respeito do que hão garrafas de agua acima dos medidors éra no interior do estado de São Paulo (numa cidade chamada Bauru).  A minha respota imediata éra "Que coisa de bôbo ... não é isso não."  Daí encontrei o mesmo relato em Curitba, e depois, Foz do Iguaçu, Campo Grande, Florianópolis, Blumenau, Santa Maria, Porte Alegre, Belo Horizonte, e ... Jundiaí.  

    Todo dia que eu morava no Brasil eu vi as garrafas de agua acima do medidos ... isto não quer dizer que nos norte-Americanos sejamos melhores.  Nos ensinamos nossos crianças para acreditar no 'Tooth Fairy ..'

    Eu juro que estou falando a verdade ...
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