
Truth seeker hacker or terrorist what do you think?

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today gary mckinnon is likley to be sent to america for trial as a terrorist hacker ,looking at up to 70 years in jail and 1.75 million dollars in fines because he found a way in to nasa UNPROTECTED FILES and computers looking for the truth. well it looks like he found it . in my opinion they should be paying him for exposing the complete and utter faliure of these so called secure areas for failing to protect our national security if i was running that place i would sack the managment and make him head of security .look it up on yahoo news it sounds like there might be a few red faces at the nasa security office but dont shout too loud they are probably all asleep .god help us all.




  1. he should hack into chinese and rusian defences and launch their whole nuclear arsenal onto america before they get him first

  2. I agree. They should be employing him!It speaks volumes about their incompetence. It's strange though how they manage to keep 'other' crimes hidden, which is then deemed as a crazy conspiracy.

  3. With this logic, then I guess the UK government should employ the help of the thieves who have been stealing the MoD laptops, and hijackers who stole all the blank passports and the mail service who inexplicably lost tons of data on UK citizens.  

    Sure nobody should be prosecuted, they should be employed by the government, after all, they were just exposing the lax security.

  4. Thrill seeker.

    Getting kick on the butts by a desk-top.

    By Mr. Big Brother with A. I. like himself.

    Can even throw him in into the slammer.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. The phrase "naive Walter Mitty" immediately springs to mind.

    He could not have known that the files were unprotected, before he gained unauthorised access to the system. Even if the security was lax, it was there.  

    The poor guy is in deep $#!+. If they can't get bin Laden, they are going to get him instead.

  6. Yes, they will send him to the US but Qatada and Hamza get to stay (on benefits)!

  7. LOL!

    Only in America...

  8. Terrorist.

    Why delete Navy Files and leave messages on peoples desk tops? It's no joke.

    Very serious offence and he should face the consequences.

  9. Hackers do often get jobs as heads of security if they own up to holes they've found early... in this case i think their going to try and make an example of him, i wouldn't be surprised if they ask for his help on security jobs in return for reductions in jail time (on the quite mind you).

  10. An illegal hacker. Not clever cos he got caught!

    Let the Americans have him!!!!

  11. Why are you down playing this?

    He hacked into defence computers as well as NASA and put lives at risk.

    Whilst he claims he was looking for evidence of UFO's the records of his trawls and manipulations show a far more sinister intent!!

    He does not face 70 years in jail but life for putting lives at risk!!

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