
Try again radar detactors?

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I have helped many people on yahoo answears, when I need help or advise all I get is idiots, all I wanted to know is does anyone mature own a detector that works good for under 120 bucks, and what brand or model is it please only people with IQ,s over 100 answear.




  1. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but they are never going to be as useful as your eyes.  I have had my Escort Passport 8500 X50 since they put that detector out, and over the last year, I keep finding myself leaving it behind in my house.  But thats my personal choice, and not yours so....

    Consider saving up; a good detector will cost around $300.  Don't buy from ebay.  Cobra detectors are useless, regardless of what the people who have them say (read up on, lots of useful/important info there).

    Understand that they will not always point out cops (b/c it detects radar...not cops ), and radar is not the only way to measure speed.  And you can still get tickets using radar, it will not save you on all occasions, for example if the officer is using instant on.  

    The only real features you need in a radar (and should be looking for) is the detection ability on K and KA bands.  X band too if you live in NJ or OH.  

    And if you are still determined to get a radar after that, look at some of the other examples of detectors some people mentioned.  I think the Whistler will fall into your price range.  

    Good luck, drive safe, and remember that a radar detector is not an excuse to drive fast.

  2. There are many types of radar detectors, all used for different purposes.  If you tell us exactly why you need it and what you are planning to use it for, we will be able to guide you better.

  3. Take a look at the Cobra XRS-9430. They sell it at radioshack for $119.99. I have one and it works great!

  4. Try a look at  'consumer products reports '.

  5. I believe that the Cobra XRS-9730 Radar Laser Detector is around $129.00.

  6. Escort Solo S2 ,sorry I don't think for 120 bucks you will get much unless you find one on ebay....I have used a BELL Express and its good for radar..not so good for laser and I get false alerts from other microwave sources.Many of the cheap ones will do ok with radar...but,most States use laser now and it is real hard to detect a small beam of light.........

  7. No one makes a fool-proof radar detector for ANY price.

    If you had any concern or consideration for yourself, your family, and other drivers on the road, you'd drive the freakin' speed limit and not endanger other peoples' lives.

    Some people just don't care though, and I suppose those of us who are sensible will just have to live (or die) with it.

  8. I feel your Frustration with people in the answers forums

    especially in the weather forum

    I used to own a radar detector but don't any more a indiana cop made me run it over during a roadside inspection then gave me a $200 ticket (Truck Drivers are not allowed to use them in there trucks) I am answering this question to try and lagitamtly try and help you

    When I bought mine I used this link

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