
Try outs for hard was that?!!? Should I drop out for the second and last day of tryouts?

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Im skinny for goodness sakes....AND UNDERWEIGHT!!!

I can go onto that feild like an inscane warrior an animal but the practice is brutal....I have strength in the legs...but I see I have been over taken....should I not show up for the second and last try out?

The people who are trying out had given me support but I don't know why. Sportsmanship?

The practice really demans me to give one hundred and ten percent which means to give all the effort and then some!

What should I do?

None of the sports i played was this hard...though this is conditioning...

rock climbing, cross country, lacross ...none were as hard as this..




  1. WHAT CANT KILL YOU CAN ONLY MAKE YOU STRONGER! I played football & basketball in high school, i was the smallest at 5"9 & skinniest at 145. But i was also the best player on both sides of the ball. It doesn't matter how u look, the only thing that matters is how bad you wont it! N from what i hear not that bad because your ready to quit after the 2end day. Man up so if you don't make the team attest you can say you tried.

  2. Maybe they like you :)

    Anyway, you've already made it this far, why not just go to the second day?

    Good luck!!

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    Answering any one of mine would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!;...;...;...;...;...

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