
Try to work out how many plastic bags you have used in the last twenty years ?

by  |  earlier

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i worked out that i have used about 15,600 . did you know that they can take years and years to break down in land fill sites ? try buying reusable bags to get your shopping




  1. About 5 700 going by statistics from the UK government. I now use heavy duty reusable bags when I go grocery shopping and when out in other shops do not take bags unless it is absolutely necessary, those that I do use I recycle.

    Plastic bags are not just bad for landfill they also are a danger to the environment.

    Energy Saver

  2. We are on the same wave length.

    Today I turned over a new leaf and I will no longer continue this mindless thing I do.  I have my cloth bags in my car now and intend to use them.

  3. The mind boggles.Couldnt even guess.

  4. I take all mine back to the supermarket to be recycled.

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