
Try trivia questions on Chinese. Just answer and i will tell u today.?

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1. In Chinese, how do say Thank you?

2. What is the chinese phrase for Budhism?

3. What is the number 1 in chinese?

4. In ancient times, when did everybody celebrate their birthday?

5. Who is the central figure in China?

6. What is the most spoken dialect in China?

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  1. 1.谢谢 (xie xie)

    2. 佛教 (fo jiao)

    3.一 (yi)

    4. on Chinese New Years

    5. 毛泽东 (Chairman Mao)

    6. 普通话 (Mandarin)

  2. 4.  Their date of conception, or perhaps the Chinese New Year.

    5.  The Emperor?

    6.  Mandarin?

    The others, I have no clue.

  3. 1. 谢谢

    2. 佛教

    3.  ÃƒÂ£Ã‚†Â’

    4. New Year's Day

    6. Mandarin

  4. 1. Variously:  xiè xiè ; gui lah h*i te ha; gui lah h*i mi a de;  gui lah h*i dui dui ma

    2.  Nien-Fo [variously:  Ch'an-ching I-chih]

    3.  yÄ« ---  

    4.  Upon turning 1 year of age (2nd year of life); then, upon occasion of 51st birthday.

    5.  Hu Jintao [Political]

    6.  Mandarin

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