
Trying To Conceive...SHOULD I BE WORRIED?

by  |  earlier

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this is kind of personal but I need some input. my boyfriend and I are trying to conceive and my last cycle was on june 30...from my understanding my fertile days were on the 11th-15. So we did the baby dance on the 11th&12 as well as the 15. ok so my july cycle was due on the 25 or came in a spot on the 25 and then on the 26th I had maybe two or three spots still not enough to cover a pad it really only showed up when I wiped. ok it now the 28th and it is almost next to nothing. how long will this last...should I be I need to go to the er....




  1. First thing you should do is take a pregnancy test.  It's been long enough since your likely ovulation date that an at-home pregnancy test would tell you if you are pregnant.  As far as the spotting is concerned, this is very common in pregnancy.  I've been pregnant 3 times.  The first time, I had spotting and cramping, so I rested as much as possible and then went to the ER.  They said everything was normal and I went home.  It cleared up in a couple days and I have a healthy 3-year old daughter.  

    My second pregnancy, I had light spotting as well, and minor cramping.  Again, I went to the ER.  They did an ultrasound at the ER, and they saw the baby with no heartbeat.  That was a really sad day.  The next night, I miscarried over a couple of hours.  It was a lot of blood and there was no mistaking it for a period or anything else because it was such severe cramping that I called the doc at midnight and he said to go to the ER for a D&C (dilation and cuttelage).  Seconds after hanging up  the phone, my pain disappeared, so I went to bed.  I rested the next day, but had no other cramping, just bleeding similar to a long period.

    My third pregnancy is in process (30 weeks, now), and I never had any spotting with this one.  

    From my experiences, I'd tell you to:

    take a pregnancy test (although it could still be positive if you're having a miscarriage)

    relax as much as you can - it's probably normal spotting, but even if it is a miscarriage, there's nothing you or anyone else can do to stop it (or could have done, in most cases)

    call your doctor or go to the ER if you have heavy bleeding/pain, because they'll want to make sure that it's not an ectopic pregnancy

  2. Sounds like implanting bleeding! Test next week or tomorrow AM if you can't wait! GL!!!

  3. Could be implantation bleeding .. sure sounds like it.. some women have it for only a few hours and others so i have been told can last a couple days.. i would go to your doctors and see if they can give you a blood test to see if you are pregnant or not.. best of luck to you

  4. I say to just relax first of all and try to take a test in a few days wait 3 or 4 and you might be suprised with a positive...

  5. Gee, ya really think???

  6. Why would you need to go the ER when you are probably just having a light period due to being stressed about trying to conceive.  You need to take a home pregnancy test.  If it's positive then you can call an OB to get advice.

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