
Trying To Conceive... What Do My Symptoms Mean?

by Guest59785  |  earlier

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I have Been Trying To Conceive Since The 18th Of This Month As Of Yesterday I Have Been Having Lower Back Pains And Abdominal Cramps As If I Am Either On My Cycle Or About To Start My Cycle But I Figured That Cant Be The Case Because I Just Finished My Cycle On The 17th Of This Month. I Also Keep Have A Lot Of Discharge And Headaches. And I Am Always Tired And Sleepy. What Do These Symptoms Mean?




  1. Well depending on when your cycle started you could be. Most women ovulate 14 days from the start of there period but some women ovulate earlier so there's always a chance. All of the signs you you mentioned are for pregnancy or your period. The only thing you can do is wait and if AF is late take a test. Good luck and lots of baby dust.

  2. just go to this wed site and you can read on early pregnancy sings and they pictures of it... good luck i hope you are

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