
Trying To Get Into UCLA.?

by Guest57705  |  earlier

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I'm from Missouri and it is my up-most dream to get into UCLA's communications program. I am going into my junior year of high school and here is a little bit of information about me to see if you guys think I could possibly qualify...

-4.1 GPA

-Right now I'm very active in three clubs: The Humane Society, Foreign Language, Key Club (volunteering and community help organization, if you don't know). I've been in all of those the two years I have been in H.S. and will probably be in all of them for a total of four years when I graduate.

-(I don't know if this means much, but it might set me apart) I am currently going into Spanish Four. I can read most sentences and write out simple sentences. I'm still not very good at hearing and understanding someone speak Spanish, but I'm working on it. Hopefully, by the time I graduate (I'll be in Spanish 5) I'll be a lot more fluent..and possibly totally fluent.

-I have volunteered at the humane society for a couple of years. (Haven't done this for about a year and a half now due to work..) My mom told me to, but I also didn't record the times and how much I worked there, which I should have..but, I did do it..that might not help me at all now, though.

-I don't know if college prep is the same as AP but that is what it is called in my high school. I am taking all of the college prep classes that are available to me and have since freshman year.

-I have no taken my ACT or SAT tests yet, but will this fall most likely. So, I can't give those scores.

-Taking four (I believe) weighted classes.

And my biggest question to see if it will help me:

-I am planning on taking some college courses at the community college right down the street from me. Do you guys think taking some college classes when I'm a junior or senior will help set me apart (as long as I do good in them...) I know it will at least help cut down on some tuition fees.

Anyways, I absolutely love EVERYTHING about California. I just love it. It is my dream to be able to go out there and live in such an exciting city. My biggest challenge, though, is the cost for tuition. If anyone cares to answer are there any big ways to cut down on tuition costs? My first idea was to go to a community college down there such as Santa Monica and then apply for in-state. Anything else? Can scholarships really put a big dent in reducing tuition costs because by-golly I'll be applying to every single one of those suckers if they will help.

Anyways, thanks for any advice I really appreciate it.




  1. Frankly, it's really hard t go to UCLA or any UC school from out of state if you can't afford to pay. The out of state cost is $40,000 per year and there's no financial aid for out of staters other than a very few scholarships which go to the very top students. S after Federal money, even being very poor and getting the max, there will be a bill of over $30,000. You will need outside scholarships, and getting $30K worth is a big feat. This is one of the reasons there are so few OOS applicants at UC's.

    You can also not become a resident by going to a California community college. Unless your parents move there with you and stay a year before you enter school, you can not become a resident.

    Average GPA for those accepted this year was 4.2. They take students wh have taken the hardest course loads of honors/AP's at their schools. Average SAT was 2050. Figure as an out of state applicant your stts need to be higher than these averages.

  2. Well, i live in California, and visit Los Angeles a lot. UCLA is a wonderful school, and is in the heart of Beverly Hills/Hollywood. Great school as well. However, you must know that it is HIGHLY competitive to get into. I have two friends that applied there for Fall 2008 entrance. One got in, one didnt.

    The girl that got in had SAT of 1950, Varsity sports player, ranked 3rd, and had a GPA of 4.6.

    The girl that DIDNT get in had SAT of 1900, Editor in chief of the paper, ranked 5th, and had a GPA of 4.5.

    As you can see, the small difference in their information made a huge difference.

    UCLA is expensive to get into, but scholarships really DO help. Apply for a lot of them!!!

    If you go to a junior college first, you have a much better chance of getting in.

    All you can do is apply, try hard, and hope for the best.

  3. Since you say you have a 4.1 GPA, I have to assume that is weighted, and that your unweighted GPA is quite a bit lower, which could be a problem for UCLA.  If you go to a community college for two years first, you will have another chance at getting the grades you would need.  It would not, however, allow you to apply as an in-state student, because if you move here to go to college, you remain an out-of-state student.  You would have to be seen as a resident, and a student isn't considered a resident.

    As for scholarships, unless you are a student-athlete, most scholarships help, but won't make a huge difference.  Most of them will offer somewhere between a few hundred and a couple of thousand dollars.  Expect most of your tuition to come from loans and work, if your parents can't help out.  Your chances would be better if you were going to a less-competitive school, of course.

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