Okay, people clearly didn't understand what I was talking about in my previous question.
I want to make a scrapbook documenting my son's time in preschool. I have hundreds of pictures taken of field trips, on the playground, them working in class, Christmas and Easter parties, etc.
I don't want items or animals to do A-Z. I want to come up with 26 themes of preschool to make a 26-page scrapbook for my son, about his class and the various themes.
So I want to have a page, with, like "Z is for Zoo", with pictures of their field trip to the zoo. Or "Q is for Quiet", with a picture of the class FINALLY all asleep at naptime. Or "F is for Friends" or "B is for Buddy" with pictures of my sons and his best friends.
I don't need a list of alligator, baseball, cat, dog, elephant, etc. I need actual themes that can be documented in pictures, to make up a scrapbook page, with the themes starting with various letters of the alphabet.
Help me out.