
Trying for 4 years!?

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My husband and I have been having unprotected s*x for almost 5 years. I was on birth control for probably 6 months the entire time. I only took it to try and regulate my periods. I have gone up to a year without one before. Different obstacles like not having insurance, have stood in my way with getting docs opinion. BUt we are now ready to start a family, what would be your first step? We have both recently started new jobs, so our health insurance won't kick in for another month, but we are going to try to schedule an appointment in two weeks anyway. The last time I went to the doc was back in April, which she said I had Polysystic ovarian Syndrome, which it would be harder to conceive, Just looking for some advice! We don't even know where to start!




  1. when your insurance kicks in make an appointment with your obgyn. tell her your circumstances and from there he/she will reccomend you to a specialist in the field of fertility. on your first appointment with the specialist make sure to go with your husband and they will give you a few test right then and there. after they get your history they will do an internal ultrasound looking at your ovaries. then they can test your blood to see if you ovulated your last cycle. they can also test your husbands s***n. if all those tests prove to be ok they will have you have s*x with your husband on a certain day and then they will take a swab to see how your mucus and his s***n react together (they will probably do another internal ultrasound again. after that test if it is all still good they may put you on chlomid to help you produce more eggs. then you will go in while you are producing eggs to see if you have had them mature..if your hubbies s***n is good then its time to start trying. if you have issues with the other test though there are different procedures. such as s***n if his count is low they will repeat the test and you may have to go with iui because they seperate the sperm from the s***n and can spin the swimmers to get them going. if you have trouble ovulating they can give you progesterone. sorry i may be getting too detailed but i know when i was ttc all knowledge was helpful. also dont worry i know the testing sounds expensive but insurance does cover alot. good luck and if you have any additional questions feel free to email me.  

  2. Make an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist (RE).  They are specialists and will be the best suited to help you.  

    Check out this website for some good info:

  3. Make sure you are watching your Carb intake.  Insulin resistance causes PCOS so if you are overweight and eating things like bread, pasta, cereal, rice, sweets or drinking sugary drinks you will need to cut that out and treat yourself more like a diabetic.  That helps most PCOS woman regain some control of their cycles and fertility (worked for me). Also make sure to start taking prenatals now since you are TTC as you want the vitamins to build up in your system.  

  4. first,you should collect some resource  by searching the relevant keyword in search engine,if you got good luck there,then your problem solved.however,if you are not able to find the ideal answer by doing that,here is the resource i recommend.

  5. From someone who has PCOS, I do recommend eating a low carb diet. But if you been TTC for 5 years, you should probley see a fertility specialist. It sounds like your not even ovulating.

    If you been trying for a  year without protecting and nothing happens then you are consider infertile. I know you don't have insurance, but sometime the doctors can work with you and get you a lower cost than normal or there is even grants that you can get from the hospital. That way you don't have to pay so much and you can have the doctor prescribe medications to help you ovulate.

    Blessings to you!

  6. Ok.  you need to see a doctor and get a referral to a gyno.  They will take it from there.

    I also have polycystic ovary syndrome and went 8mths without a period there for a while.  If you dont ovulate then you dont get a period.  I have been sent for many tests, scans, xrays and ultrasounds and have taken tablets for ovulation (didnt work) and am now on injectables to hopefully help up concieve.  It has been a long hard emotional road.

    I suggest google PCOS DIET and start cutting out the carbs (spuds white bread etc), exercising at least half hr a day (I walk) and maybe do a little research on the disease.  It helped me understand what was happening and why.

    I wish you good luck and wish you well

    Baby dust to you :-)

    I hope you find answers.

  7. I've been TTC #1 for 3 years and 22 days on Metformin with no luck whatsoever, so I know how you feel *hugs*

  8. I agree with the other answerer. Make sure you are within your BMI. Eat really well. Cut out the sugars, fried food, red meat. Eat alot of fish. Exercise.

    It worked for me...     :)

    Also try this website out.

    Im sure you might've heard of the site before, but it has alot of great  conceiving items.

    Last but not least...drink alot of Red Raspberry Leaf tea.

    Baby dust to you...Good luck, and Congrats in Advance...
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