
Trying for a baby! When earliest you can do a test?

by  |  earlier

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we have been trying for a baby for couple of months now and this month we made sure we had s*x nearly everyday around the ovulation stages that we worked out! I came off the pill 3months ago so didnt really know my cycle so we worked out few ovulation dates between 28 and 32 cycle as my last paeriod was 32days. We are soooo hoping that this month is the month!!! I am not due on until round 31st Aug and was wondering when would be a good time to take a test as till dont really know how long my cycle is??????




  1. Hey try ovulex the website is I did and got pregnant within a month its an all natural pill after my first baby i used it again and got pregnant have two beautiful boys age 3 and 2 try cuz it will work

  2. Well from what i know the earliest you can test is in about 4-5 days from now, but i would wait until no more than 3 days before your expected period, other wise it could say neg. due to low hCG. If your test 3 days before your expected period and still get a neg. then i would wait until the day your due then test. Good Luck!


  3. Go on the assumption that your cycle is gonna be 32 days long and test on cd32. You could spend a fortune taking tests between now and then and getting bfn when you might really be pregnant but not having enough hcg in your system for a test to recognise. I've been there and spent a fortune on these tests and the first month i stopped buying tests and wondering if i was pregnant i got my bfp on day af was due. Unfortunately i had a miscarriage a few days later and waiting for my cycle to return to normal and then i'm off trying again! Best of luck to you, hope it works out for you

  4. test 3 days b4 due period and if neg test every 48 hrs from then.internet tests are cheap and usually alot more sesitive than any shop bought ones.look for tests that are 10 miu which is the most sensitive....good luck!!

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