
Trying for a baby...not working HELP!?

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I'm 24 years old and newly married. We both have great jobs and are in the middle of buying a house. We decided we want to have a child. We have tried for about 3 months now and each month she has had her period. I hear all these stories about accidental pregnancies that happened from a broken condom while on the pill yada yada yada why cant it be that easy for us!? What is the deal?




  1. everyones different!! yall need to go to the doc! also try to get a home ovulation test kit thing. that'll make sure you having s*x on the correct days! good luck, i wish you both the best. maybe the stress from mving has soemthing to do with this too!

  2. 3 months is that it!

    remember that even the teenagers that get pregnant on a one night stand have probably never used contraception and in theory have been 'trying' for years.

    50%of couples conceive within 6 months.

    90% within 1 year

    a good check list to ttc is

    -are you BOTH taking vitamins?

    -are you both taking regular exercise?

    -have you quit drinking/smoking/junk food?

    -does she have regular cycles?

    -are you having se at her peak fertile time?#

    you have 1 chance each month! and you have a 25% chance on each cycle! so really its all about being patient.

    enjoy your marriage and good luck!

  3. First, CONGRATULATIONS on your marriage and new home.  :-)

    Second, Don't worry.  :-)  You probably aren't having s*x at the exact right time.  Your wife should start charting her cycles.  She should begin taking her basel temperature every morning before she gets out of bed, tracking her cervical mucous, and charting other signs.  This site: is very helpful.  Also the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler is VERY informative.  She might also consider ovulation test kits, but she might consider charting for a month before spending the $$ on kits so she knows when to do the ovulation test.  It's not easy for everyone, but its not hard for everyone either.  Just start be informing and educating yourselves a little bit.  I'm willing to bet you will grow even closer as a couple and will conceive after learning about her cycles and signals better.  Have fun and best of luck to you both.

  4. Relax, three months is not that long.

    Make sure you are having intercourse at her most fertile time. That is usually around 2 weeks after her period if she has a regular 28 day cycle. You can buy ovulation predictor kits to indicate when ovulation is about to take place.

    Good luck

  5. firstly, congratulations on your marriage... it sounds like you have a lot going on at the moment and stress isn't at all helpful, but was your wife taking any contraceptives before you started trying, if so, it can take up to 6 months for these to leave the system... also, s*x every day actually reduces your chances...

    check out this ovulation calculator it'll tell you the best days for you to try (doesn't mean you don't practice in the mean time though,lol)...

    the more you worry the harder it will become for you both, it took us 6 months with our first and 4 with this one... but try the calculator it worked for us

    relax, and have fun trying! good luck

  6. I have no idea, i too am starting to get upset by this, we have only been trying to conceive for four months and this is pure h**l, a (fairly) respectable married couple cannot get pregnant, and yet the local "bikes" seem to manage it quite well without even trying!!

    One day we will both get the babies we are after..

    Good luck!  

  7. Don't give up, keep trying as I am

    I am 34 & TTC # 2 for 9 months now. Do research on the internet & read more about TTC.

    Good Luck

  8. Welcome to the world of TTC.  You notice every one around you is pregnant, yet month after month, nothing!!    I know all too well, as do a lot of women/men on this site  Conception is a tricky little thing. You can time everything perfectly, yet each month AF rears her ugly little head.  It can take up to a year for a normal healthy couple to conceive.  If you are still not pregnant with in that time frame, you may want to consult your doctor.  In the mean time your wife can start charting her cycles, and use ovulation prediction kits to help maximize your chances.  Good luck to ya  

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