
Trying for a second HELP...

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So I have heard that woman who got pregnant easily the first time can suffer from second time infertility.. Have you guys ever heard that... a little background me and the hubby where trying for over a year to have a baby... I also got Prego first try but would miscarry between 9 and 13 weeks, we have had 4 miscarriages. With my little girl they found out I had a weak cervix so I was bed rested and pretty much in the hospital the whole time BUT she is a beautiful healthy little girl and about to turn 4 in Jan and all me and the hubby want is another. We have started trying but nothing yet soooo i was wondering if you guys ever heard of second time infertility?




  1. I have a neighbor who has 5 boys about a year apart between each. I have heard that some people have trouble with the second one but no pattern really. Anything can happen.

    Good luck good luck good luck

  2. Personally, I've never heard of it. I think it mostly depends on the woman.  I guess just do what you 'd normally do, eat healthy, see you doctor and well have s*x.......I hope you get what you want *baby dust*

  3. You may want to visit a fertility specialist they may be able to prescribe something that would strengthen the  cervix an help you carry your pregnancy full term.  

    I also have a 4 year old girls and we have been trying to conceive for a year and a half.  For about six of those months we have been seeing a fertility specialist/endocrinologist.  I have a secondary infertility problem because I was able to conceive my first no problem (surprise actually).  My problem has been diagnosed as insulin resistance which can be fixed with a non-fertility drug which will in time straighten out my cycles.  

    Hang in there and feel good about what you already have!  We are lucky that we have our firsts!  Good luck and baby dust to you!

  4. Yes, second time infertility is actually greater than first time infertility. If you have had 4 miscarriages, I would research what happened to Courtney Cox. I forget what it was but she miscarried over and over and then they discovered something, treated it and she was fine.  

  5. you may or may not have trouble having another baby, i would just ask your obgyn! good luck though!!

  6. no i haven't. everyone i know who got preg easily the first time has had the same luck the other 2 or3 times. but it might be other reason such as lub. lub can kill off sperm, also stress can weaken sperm.try googleing pregnancy and find the dos and don't and try it that way good luck lot of baby dust and god bless.

  7. i personally didnt have that problem. i had my first and when he was 18months i found out i was pregnant with my second and when my second was 3months i found out i was pregnant with my third. so i have a 3 year old, 16month old, and 4 month old........keep trying the older u get the longer it can take (not that you are old) just older then when u got pregnant with your daughter

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