
Trying one last time with my ex but my friends won't be happy?

by  |  earlier

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I recently split up with my boyfriend and in the period after the split I turned around to realise my friends all had their own lives now, they had developed new friendships and found new places to go while I was spending too much time with him.

However, they've all mostly rallied round to support me despite my disappearance from the social scene while I was attached. Now my ex has made amends and he wants to get back with me... I'm wanting to get back with him as well but I'm scared I'll lose my friends in the process. They all think he's not good enough for me and don't like him but I feel like he's changed for good. (Call me stupid - I'd say it to others in the same situation.)

So what do you think I can do in order to keep my friends on my side at the same time as getting back with my ex.




  1. It's totally your decision what you do about the relationship and your friends really should support you no matter what.  However, you say you "disappeared" a little on them last time.  So maybe this time..make sure you keep plenty of time to see and meet up with them as well.  It's never a good idea to forget friendships when involved in a'll always need your friends and vice versa, no matter what and it's great that they supported you through it.  So, this time, keep in touch with them, explain to them why you feel it's worth giving the relationship another go, and that you won't disappear this time..and that you'd be happy to have their support and presence in your life in the process.  Hope things work out with your ex, and don't worry, your friends sound like good friends, and ultimately, if you are happy, they will be too.  I would just advise you to keep them in your life as well and let them know how important they are to you.  Best of luck:)

  2. try to be honest with your friends first,, till them your feeling and if they are true friends they will till you what you want to know..sure they know more about your ex more than I do..and look at your situation distanced from love their judgement will be clear  

  3. if they are really friends they will understand and also want you to be happy  

  4. It's your call if you choose to go back with your boyfriend.  I don't think you can be so confident that someone has changed for good!  It may end up being a temporary change until he gets things back the way they were!

    If you do go back with him, this time you should make a point of not isolating your friends and make time to spend with them on a regular basis.  Keep in mind that your friends have your best interest at heart and because they are unemotionally involved, they can probably see things that you either don't or choose not to.

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