I had been wearing the Purevision Toric for a year. Now I am revisiting the optometrist for the better lenses for my eyes with higher Dk.
My doctor gave me 2 pairs of lenses to try out. One is Air Optix for Astigmatism and the other one is Acuvue Oasys for astigmatism.
Experience with Air Optix: These lenses are comfortable, they provide clear vision for me when they are settled but I feel burning in my eyes so many times in a day and they get blurry easily. Seem like my left eye is blurrier compared to the the right, is this lense incompatibility? or the power is not good enough.
With Oasys: cause my eyes to itch on the sides and the peripheral visions are bad (top left and right of the focus). One day, they are so hard to get out, they seem to stick to my eyes (like with some kind of adhesive, BC problem?) even that I had just but them on for 3 hours.
Which one would likely to be more compatible?