
Trying out 2 different type of contact lenses?

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I had been wearing the Purevision Toric for a year. Now I am revisiting the optometrist for the better lenses for my eyes with higher Dk.

My doctor gave me 2 pairs of lenses to try out. One is Air Optix for Astigmatism and the other one is Acuvue Oasys for astigmatism.

Experience with Air Optix: These lenses are comfortable, they provide clear vision for me when they are settled but I feel burning in my eyes so many times in a day and they get blurry easily. Seem like my left eye is blurrier compared to the the right, is this lense incompatibility? or the power is not good enough.

With Oasys: cause my eyes to itch on the sides and the peripheral visions are bad (top left and right of the focus). One day, they are so hard to get out, they seem to stick to my eyes (like with some kind of adhesive, BC problem?) even that I had just but them on for 3 hours.

Which one would likely to be more compatible?




  1. If you're comfortable witht he purevision torics and there is no irritation and good clarity with them, I would not switch. The Optix and Oasys are fairly new to the market and they will probably add more parameters to their line to make it more compatible with more wearers.

    If you're adamant about switching to a better DK material lens, then I would try one pair of lenses for at least 2 weeks before making the decision. Your eyes sometimes have to adapt to a certain contact for a long period of time before really feeling natural. I'm a contact lens wearer myself and I know that changing brands of contacts is a pain for me.

    Also, make sure that you go in for Follow Up visits with your optometrist to make sure that the lenses are rotating correctly with your eyes. New lenses can have the same parameters but move differently on your eyes. The rotation can contribute to the blurriness that you have been experiencing.

    Also look into your solution that you use. You maybe extra senstive to certain solutions that the contacts are placed in.

    Good LUck!

  2. The good doctor is right. One little thing to add, if the oasys are sticking to your eye  (I hear a lot of that because they are so thin, which is why people like them...) you need to put in some re wetting drops before you pull them out to make sure your eyes are moist enough and try to get a barrier of fluid between your cornea and the contact. Just put a drop or two in each eye, keep your head back, pinch your tear ducts and allow them to absorb into your eye tissue for 60 seconds. Then pull the contact to the side or bottom of your eye and take it off.

    You took really good notes on what you liked and didn't like about each pair, but you do need to wear each pair for two weeks, then call your doctor. If the vision is blurry, the doctor is right, it might be the rotation of the lens and your doctor needs to see it on your eyes (and it needs to be on your eyes for at least 15 min. before you see him, so it has a chance to settle in and the doctor can see clearing which way it is rotating and how much!)

    Purevision torics are a great lens with an excellent Dk, they are very healthy as long as you take care of them and dispose of them when you are supposed to.

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