
Trying out for club volleyball..?

by  |  earlier

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hi.. so i'm going into grade 11 and this year i want to try out for club volleyball. i have played in the school season since grade 7 (that's when volleyball starts in our school), but last season i injured my knee, so it got cut short. i got surgery and did physio and everythign so that's all better, but i need to get back into shape,work on my vertical, and work on my overhand serve. what are some excersises and things to help my work on this? i'm an outside hitter if that helps any..

also, what do you guys do as a warmup before games? my friend is the captain this year and asked me to help her come up with a good warmup.

thanks soo much i really appreciate it!! and don't be afraid to give as much information as possible.. thanks again!!!




  1. Look im not goin 2 answer the question but i feel ur pain. About 2 months ago a tore my ACL and couldnt play till about a week ago. I dont need surgery, thank God!!!! But i hope u get better and hope u make a good team. I am goin to my 11 grade 2 and play club 2!!! Im in varsity. So good luck and best wishes!!!!

  2. Make a mark 7 feet up the side of you house and make a line on the ground 30 feet back from it (this is what i do). It is just like on a volleyball court. You can practice over hand serving and stuff like that. But make sure you are hitting the ball over the mark you made.

    Or get closer to the wall, and practice bumping (passing), setting, and hitting (spiking) the ball against the wall. Make sure everyone goes over the net.

    For Warm up:

    Stretch arms

    Stretch legs

    Butterfly things

    Pass the ball back and forth

    Mini games

    Keep up (everyone get in a circle and pass the ball around make sure it gets to everybody with out touching the ground!)

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