
Trying out for volleyball tomorrow. Any tips/Advice?

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Trying out for volleyball tomorrow. Any tips/Advice?




  1. 1. Call the ball

    2. Cheer

    3. Show off your skills (overhand serve, spike, backset)

    4. Focus on every move (they all count!)

    5. Wear the right clothes. Spandex, V-ball tee and hair up is a good look for volleyball)

    6. Look coachable. If they tell you something, do it!

    7. Smile!

  2. try your best

  3. Relax and breathe.  Have fun.

    Call every ball LOUDLY.  Even in drills.  Most people call the ball on the court during scrimmages.  Fewer call them during drills.  Even when you are warming up doing a pepper drill.    

    Hustle on every play.  Even when it is not done by your team mates.  (For example, every team does a hitting line.  Most people only hustle while they are hitting the ball.  Run to get your ball after you hit it and run to get back at the end of the line.  It shows that you hustle AND you get more reps in the drill than anyone else.)  

    Never say anything negative.  Any time during the clinic.  If you have negative things you want to say, wait until you get home.  Coaches do not like complainers.  If it is a choice between a postivie attitude player and a negative attitude player, the coach will take the positive attitude player every time.  

    LISTEN to the coaches.  Talk only when asked a question or when you are asking a question.  If the coach corrects something that you are doing, your answer is "thank you, I will work on that" and mean it.  

    Cheer on your team mates.  Great dig, great hit, nice touch should be heard from you.  And again, like you mean it.  

    If you do these things and you are borderline with your skills, you will make the team because of your hustle and attitude.  

    Have fun and good luck.

  4. eat lots of bananas and have fun during tryout so you won't cramp up.  Don't go in there with a lot of pressure, that will just mess with your head.

  5. do your best

  6. just go out there and have fun and do ur best and make sure u call the ball so u don't get hit by some one else

    Good Luck!

  7. Well....

    Be yourself. As much as it may seem like you have to be someone else to get on his/her's good side, don't. Be yourself. You'll seem weird if you act like someone else.

    Play your game. Don't try to concentrate and fret about how you play. You'll get nervous and tense up. Just play how you normally do.

    And last, make a good impression on the coach. (while being yourself) Be a good teamate. Coaches like good sportsmanship. Help her out.  BE FRIENDLY.  It may seem like they don't notice this kind of stuff but they do.

    Sorry if that was too cliche. Hope it helped! Good luck!!!

  8. Don't complain when the inside of your arms get red and use your knees, not your arms.

  9. try your best... what really helped me was when you get to the part where they have you demonstrate your serving abilities... go for the overhead serve( the one where you toss the ball  over you head and then hit it compared to hitting the ball from underneath) .... even if you dont get it right away it will show them that you know what you are doing and that you are willing to try you hardest to do it.... GOOD LUCK!!!! i will keep my fingers crossed for you

  10. -Try your hardest

    -Call the ball, like if your about to make contact to that ball at all you should say mine, got it, i go anything to let ppl know that it's your ball and you got it. Coaches like that

    -Hustle every where, to get water, to get a ball you shanked, every where you go make sure to hustle

    - Don't ever complain EVER.

    - Be encouraging, if someone does good clap and say good job, if someone does bad be all it's okay you'll do better next time. Be loud and uplifting.

    Good luck!!

  11. Ok when the ball is heading your way... Just put your arms out and do not follow through.. just let it hit your arms and you'll get the idea of not going nutts over the ball... Also.... move around... jump up before the server hits the ball 3 times to get the tension out... It works on me ^_^ . Never catch the ball. You can hit it with your feet if you want, just don't catch it.

  12. Number One rule: ENJOY YOURSELF!!!

    I went one year and didn't make it, and the next year I went and made it. The difference was that I didn't get mad at myself for mistakes, because everyone made at least one mistake, and I had more fun. Try and get them to notice you. Be cheery and support others, because they like people who will support their team and be a leader. Have fun and don't get too nervous. Show them your best skills. Don't hold back, show them everything you've got.

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