Ok, I'm 15 and I have a problem. I'm actually good at hockey, but tryouts aren't my thing. People judge my performance on just 3 days of skating around. I can only put my true performance when I'm in a game. People can really tell I'm good, but when I'm in drills or tryouts they notice a difference in my playing ability. I try to mentaly push myself to make it seem I'm in a game. But now I'm truely screwed. I just got a new stick and gloves, and I have a broken collarbone. I'm not allowed to play any type of sport until september. Tryouts for me start right as my bone is healed (I'm tryingout for a Midget A team). They also start in november for the high school team. I'll have no practice! I need some workouts/drills so I'll be ready for anything (BTW the bone does not hurt in any position). I really need some tips/help for this! Help plz!