
Trying to Conceive....Help Please!?

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I'm 22, and my boyfriend and I are trying so hard to have a baby, we thought we were last month because I was 7 days late on my period, which NEVER happens, then I got it =( Has anyone ever gotten their period and assumed they weren't pregnant when in fact they were. That was just weird for me, because I have very normal periods, but I'm not having any other symptoms. Anyways, I last gotmy period on the 14th of August, When would be a good time for us to try again??? And Im 22 shouldnt it be easy at this age for me to get pregnant?? Thank you for any and all help!!!




  1. You were probably late on your period due to stress or anxiousness. It does not matter if you have NEVER been late for your period - it can still happen seemingly out of nowhere for any number of reasons. Also if you have just come off of birth control, that could make your cycle a little wacky for a time, while your body regulates itself.

    As far as when is a good time to try again - if you have a regular 28 day cycle, with ovulation occurring on day 14 which is considered "average", then you would be ovulating around August 28th. In that case, the best time to have s*x would be in the days leading up to the 28th, and for a couple after.

    But it is important to realize that not every woman has what is considered an "average" cycle, and also a cycle can vary from month to month due to may factors (for example, this past month you got your period late, which means you probably ovulated late. So if that were to happen again this month, and you had s*x based on an "Average" cycle, you would miss out on ovulation).

    If you are really serious about it, you can get an ovulation prediction kit or chart your basal body temp ( A GREAT book to read is "Taking Charge of Your Fertility".

    You could also watch for fertility signs such as changes in cervical mucus. Fertile mucus is called "egg white cervical mucus", because it is the consistency of an egg white - clear, stretchy, and slippery. It occurs around ovulation and provides sperm with an ideal environment to live in and in which to travel through.

    And finally - it is said that your fertility slowly begins to decrease in your late 20's, and rapidly decreases after age 35 BUT that doesn't mean it is going to necessarily be "easy" just because you are 22. Turns out, it isn't always as easy as they make it out to be in high school s*x ed. A normal, healthy couple trying to get pregnant with perfect timing has a 20-25 percent chance of success each cycle, and it is totally normal for it to take several months. Timing has to be right (s*x during or close to ovulation), but the egg also has to be healthy, it has to travel and implant properly, etc. Many things have to come together. In fact, a fertility specialist will not consider seeing you unless you have been trying for at least 12 months (unless you have unique circumstances like a known fertility problem or advanced maternal age).

    Good luck. I assume you have already considered all of the aspects of having a baby at age 22 with your boyfriend :-)

  2. How long have you been trying for? Have you recently come off the contraceptive pill? This can play a factor in late periods, stress can also play a part (common when TTC). I suggest you start charting your temperature - a sure way to tell if  and when you ovulate. The first month I started charting my temps I got pregnant - after a few months of trying. I am 23, it should be relatively easy for you to get pregnant, but remember it takes the average healthy couple 6 - 12 months to concieve.

  3. try on the 27-29! Good luck

  4. Not everyone gets pregnant the first time they try. But don't give up honey. With my first child I had 2 periods while I was pregnant. My doctor said it was perfectly normal. Just kick back and relax. Enjoy practicing and eventually you should be blessed with a bundle of joy

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