
Trying to Conceive?????????

by Guest57301  |  earlier

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My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 10 months, we've had various tests and so far everything is fine and there is no specific reson why we shouldn't be conceiving.

We both take folic acid, seleniun and zinc daily and have cut out caffiene.

Please can you suggest any other alternative health remedies to maximise our chances? I'm open to all suggestions! Many thanks in advance : - ) x




  1. Go to a chiropractor who specializes in the SOT technique.  I've had a friend who lost several babies go full term while being under SOT care.  I've also heard of stories where women who were TTC recieved SOT care and became pregnant.

  2. ok i dont know how old you are but this is how it generally works:

    Up to the age of 20 it takes a woman approximately 6 months of trying before they concieve.

    From the ages of 20-30 it takes about 1 year.

    After 30 it takes about 2 yrs.

    Stop stressing about it and it will happen eventually providing you're both fertile

  3. a good Chinese doctor practicing acupuncture

  4. My wife and I went through the same thing. We finally did the (not sure of the sorked the first time.pelling) inveatro. Worked the first time. Good Luck.

  5. Our first took five years so be patient and the BUNDLE will come I am sure.

    All the best !

  6. Try an over the counter ovulation kit it will help you predict a 24 - 36 hour time frame that you will be ovulating and have the best chances to conceive

  7. Folic acid is important for the female pre-conceptually, as it reduces the risk of neural tube defects in the foetus. There is no advantage as far as I am aware in the male taking it, though it is harmless. I am more concerned about the use of Zinc and Selenium as the effect of ingestion by the parents,on the foetus, above the minute intake of normal physiological doses has not been studied and in general terms anything not proven to be safe in pregnancy, and in the pre-conceptual phase, is considered unsafe!

    This basically answers the last part of your question as well.

  8. Try an over the counter ovulation kit it will help you predict a 24 - 36 hour time frame that you will be ovulating and have the best chances to conceive.  Hang in there it some times takes over a year for normal healthy couple to get pregnant.

  9. this is probably going to sound so cliche but don't stress, enjoy trying and try to "forget " about it if you can. i had 2 losses, i didn't conceive either until after 9 months of trying with each then we decided we were too emotionally drained and decided to stop trying for a while as we were too upset, after 3 months i caught again quite by accident and now my son is 8 months old! i just think by taking my mind off it it just seemed to happen. i really hope you are succesful, lots and lots of babydust!

  10. Try taking pH drops/tablets.

    If your body is too acidic (includes v****a), it may be killing off the sperm before conception.

    Sperm is more alkaline in nature.

    I also had someone who wanted to take pH supplements to increase her chances of having a boy.  Supposedly, if your body is slightly alkaline, you increase your chances of having a boy.  If your body is slightly acidic, your chances of having a girl are greater.  Not sure if I believe it or not...

  11. me and my fiancee are the same its really annoying,and upsetting lol


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