
Trying to adopt a sibling set from foster care.....?

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my husband and I have been in foster care for 2 and 1/2 years and we are trying to adopt a sibling set that we have had for 19 months and the state keeps putting it off.....Has anyone else been through this and how do you deal with it? The kids are getting discouraged and starting to act out in anger. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!!




  1. Maybe the state is trying to put the kids back with the parent(s).  Foster care takes to long and the kids suffer or get so old that no one wants to adopt them.

    Ask them their reasoning for the process hold.

  2. I worked in child welfare for 36 years.  What reasons are they (The State) giving you for delaying the adoption?  Have the biological parents had they rights terminated yet?  Do the parents still have visits?  What is the permanency plan for the foster children say?  Does it specify adoption or is it still reunification?  Do the children have a guardian ad litem?  If so, talk to this person and see if you can get a straight answer.  Good luck.  Those kids deserve a permanent home.

  3. Speak to your case worker. Ask her to be frank and to keep you as informed as she legally can.  It could be that the birth parents or family are causing the delays. Some states have very strict rules that they have to follow before severing parental rights.

    My nephews and niece were a sibling set, and start to finish the process was over 2 1/2 years.

    Let the kids know that you love them and want to be their parents. Tell them that it does not happen overnight like it does in the movies, but you are in it for the long haul, and will stick with them no matter what.

  4. I don't understand why the state takes so long in allowing foster parents to adopt after they have had the children.  What is wrong with some of these laws.  This is very frustrating to me.  I feel for your children.  I hope you get the answer that you need.

  5. If TPR hasn't happened yet, find out why. Most states require them to terminated rights if they've been in care for 15 of 22 months. If that's happened, contact their worker and ask what's going on.

  6. why is the state putting it off? i am not so sure but my lil bro was in my parents foster home and then we became a pre-adoptive home and then we adopted him...good luck and god bless you

  7. I began working with the North American Council for Adoptable children this May and their organization is centered around providing support to parents who have adopted and prospective parents this is their mission statement:

    To achieve this mission, NACAC focuses its program services in four areas: public policy advocacy, parent leadership capacity building, education and information sharing, and adoption support

    here's their website-

    they are a great group of people and I had the privilege of working with them to change some federal financing policies!

  8. I am assuming that the TPR is already done, since you are in the process of adoption.  Have my life, we have been going through the TPR for more than one year!  This child has lived with us more than anyone else and has been in the system 90% of his life!  It is stressfull and the child that we have has started to act out. All you can do is remember that they don't understand what is going on and things will happen when it's time for them to happen.  If you watch water, it will never boil!  Congrats on getting sibblings...this should help them through some of what they are going through.

  9. Contact the supervisor and find out why this is happening.  Is it because parental rights to the children have not yet been severed? Another relative trying to adopt?  What?

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