
Trying to be a good daddy...?

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ok so me and my hubby just had a baby a month ago. He is 20 and he tries to be a good dad. Let me rephrase that, he is a good daddy except when he is tired and she is crying for no reason. He gets she cries when she is wet, or hungry but when she is being alil bit of a pain in the butt he just cant deal with it. He gets really frustrated with her, then about 10 min later he feels bad he gets like that and want to be a good daddy but doesnt know how not to get frusrated...How can i help him get over his frustrated?? He works most mornings from 6am till 3 pm and is tired when he gets home, but im tired to and just handle her crying so much better. has anyone ever had this problem with there daddys and how do i help him fix it??




  1. All babies cry. Remind him that the baby is frustrated, too, because she can't talk and tell you what's wrong. How would he like to be wet, scared, uncomfortable, hungry, or have a pain and be unable to tell anyone?

    He is awfully young to be a Daddy. I hope he can mature so that he is patient and loving.

  2. I must say this. If he is frustrated with a crying baby, you need to talk to him majorly about the shaken baby syndrome.

    No matter how much baby cries- he can NEVER shake her. It will kill her. I have had a crying colicky baby and I couldn't leave her with anyone, for fear they might get so frustrated they would shake her. It's all too common and I see it on the news here every single week.

    Please talk to him about that, all the time.

  3. It is common among all new parents to get frustrated at their newborns in the first couple of months, due to their lack of sleep and increased exhaustion.

    As a routine develops, so to will your husbands tolerance.  We all have little outbursts at times, just reassure him that he "isn't a bad dad" and that you are both getting used to being parents.

  4. i dont think u could ever fix that its the same with me ...when my husband gets frustrated is when he doesn't know why the baby is crying ...and we as mom just know we have that feeling that tells us what to do and it works... what i think u should do is just tell him he is a good dad and that he is doing great with the baby and help him understand what each cry means and what the baby would want.....just be there for him

  5. Its ok to be fustrated. It is just a matter of how you handle it. Be sure to tell him its ok to put her in her crib and let her cry if it gets to be too much -- he can take a break and get her in a few minutes when he calms down.

    I guess the issue would be how he is handling his fustration -- because we ALL get fustrated - you know, you do too! -- If he is acting out physically, yelling, punching walls or god forbid taking it out on baby then you have a major problem. If he is just getting fustrated and walking away - thats normal - like I said - He has to make sure she is safe, and take a few minutes to get ahold of himself.....

    I can't tell you how many times I'd HAD IT and would just go outside for a few minutes, calm down, and go back in to handle the crying.....

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