
Trying to be vegetarian....?

by Guest34249  |  earlier

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okay so i havent eaten meat in about a month

but i just learned almost everything but fruits and veggies have some kind of animal ingrediants!

even bread, chewing gum, ice cream, and juices have animal ingrediants!!??

so what can i eat??




  1. You have many kind of foods for life without meat.

    Good Luck!

  2. meat...

  3. it depends on what kind of a vegetarian that you are.  if you really want to know, e-mail me and i will talk to you about what kind of foods to eat to get the right nutrients...  i have been a vegetarian for a year and nine months... i'll give you a detailed list of foods to eat and not to eat...

  4. Read ingredients of everything, and make yourself a standard shopping list once you find the food brands NOT made with animal ingredients.  Of course, ice cream is made with cows milk unless you go with soy ice cream.  

    But there are many loaves of bread and definitely 100% juice with NO animal ingredients.  Be sure juice is 100% juice and not  just 100% Vitamin C.

  5. All sorts of things have animal substance in them..however there are lots of alternatives, just look for things that say vegetarian. Try morningstar and boco foods..they are completely safe..I think I'd starve without those.

  6. We have to get definitions straight:  

    vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat, but eats dairy products -- milk, cheese, eggs, etc.

    vegan is a person who eats no animal product at all -- no meat, no dairy, no eggs, yogurt, cheese etc.

    If you have not eaten meat thinking you're vegan, then yes, ice cream is made from milk which comes from a cow, but the cow is still living and giving milk.  If you want to become vegan, you will only eat fruit, vegetables, and grain.  Most juices, if they are 100% juice, do not have animal products, and bread does not usually have milk or eggs as ingredients, but you'll have to learn to read ingredients on labels.  

    If you are serious about being vegan, you will need to look at magazines like Vegetarian Times, read food labels very carefully, and shop if possible at Whole Foods or large supermarkets that carry special foods for vegetarians and vegans.  

    If you do not want to drink cow's milk, try soy milk, which is sold with added calcium so that you get that nutrient you need. The best tasting brand I've found is Silk, but you may like another one better.  Chocolate soy milk tastes better than plain or vanilla because the chocolate covers up the soy taste.

    You will also need the cooperation of your family.  Have you discussed your food preferences with them?

  7. You don't have to cut out meat entirely; going from meat eater to vegan overnight. What you are doing already puts a sizeable dent in the industry as it is.. A little bit of meat is good for your health, and you'll slip from time to time.

        I for one, don't insult my Mom for cooking a Thanksgiving Turkey, or turn down any good steak, But I still consider my self vegetarian

  8. what bread and juice do you drink!?!?!?! buy organic. It pure and simple and tastes better.  Are you wanting to be vegan? cuz there is plenty of soy ice cream and milk and dairy.  if that doens't float your boat but don't want to eat meat then trying being like me and eat eggs and dairy. you can even eat fish if you so wish!  just think about it yourself and see WHY you want to not eat meat.  

    and who told you this anyway?  i mean there is lard in a lot of stuff but mostly deep fried.  and there are plenty of things that you can eat

  9. There is plenty of choices that don't have animal products. You just have to choose wisely

  10. Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies.

  11. If you are vegan for YOUR health, I can respect that.

    But being vegan for animal rights is stupid and useless--all you are doing is making meat more affordable for the rest of us.

    Go help some starving humans instead of starving yourself.

    That is stupid!

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