
Trying to become an even better writer?

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I have been told by many that I am an excellent writer.

But i want to become better. I seem to have trouble putting the words in my head onto paper sometimes. And when I do, they don't sound as good as they sound in my head.

It get's frustrating. Soo how would I overcome this problem?

also, any other writing tips would be nice!

:] thanks in advance.




  1. Excellent writers learn how to write, rewrite, rewrite, rewrite, and rewrite, until the writing is as near perfect as it can be. It is very rare for anyone to simply write a first draft and have it be perfect. It takes lots of hard work and perseverance. So the first time you write something down, it won't sound like what's in your head, but if you work and rework it, you might get close to what you need.

    Excellent writers are also creative and write things from a different perspective or about things that others have not written. Google the article "How to say Nothing in 500 Words." There is excellent advice in that article for all writers. They know how to write for themselves instead of trying to write what they THINK an audience wants to read.

    Excellent writers know the tricks of their trade. This means they know how to shape the language in specific ways to express nuances. This comes from experience, which comes from reading A LOT of different texts. You can learn a lot about expressing yourself by reading how others have expressed themselves.  They know how to use constructive criticism and don't get offended when people criticize their work. Instead, they learn how to take the best advice and use it to improve their writing instead of getting defensive and giving up simply because one person doesn't like what they've written.

    Lastly, excellent writers have a grip on grammar. To be an excellent writer, you need to have a firm grasp of the rules of the language so as to use it to its best advantage.

  2. Write what's in your head and read it back, if it sounds like something is missing then include whatever feels right.

    Don't use too many complicated words because it will sound like you're trying too hard.

    Also, there's no apostrophe in 'gets' ;P

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