
Trying to conceive, period early this month why?

by  |  earlier

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Came off the pill 2 months ago, as trying to conceive. But my period this month was five days early, started on the 21st august instead of 26th and then only lasted for two days instead of the usual four. My periods are usually very regular, could it be because i have only been off the pill for two months or could it be because of something else?

Has this happened to anyone else before???




  1. I would read up on implantation bleeds if I was you, and see if you have had any other symptoms.

    Don't read too much into it though - cos I thought I had one, but after 2 weeks of confusement - i found out I hadn't - i was gutted.

    It is more than likely your body getting used to coming off the pill.

  2. i have never been on the pill but me and my husband are TTC too and i usually get my period on the 22 of every month right on the dot no change. and this last cycle started lightly on the 17 (normally i have a very heavy flow when i first start) and it only lasted 2 days like yours. i never found out though. i asked on here but everyone just said its rare for you to have your period while preggo. so i don't know i am just waiting to see if i start my next one. Best Wishes!

  3. It will take a few months for your body to settle down after coming off the pill.  A lot of woman find they have irregular periods after coming off the pill.  They should settle soon and it does not mean that you will not conceive, it may just take a little longer while things get back to normal.  Good luck and check out these trying to conceive boards for more advice, the girls have a lot of experience and you can ask questions here too!

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