
Trying to conceive. Been off BC Yaz for 4 months and still no baby. Is there something wrong? Any suggestions?

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Hi My name is Stephani. My fiance and i have been trying to get pregnant for about 5 months now and still nothing. I don't know what to do . Are we doing something wrong? No matter how long i lay with my butt in the air it still leaks out. Any suggestions on how to keep the s***n inside of me? UGH! TTC is so frustrating. I'm to the point i just want to give up. Ever since the miscarriage last year things have been so much harder. Why is it u can get pregnant when you miss one BC pill but when your off completely nothing happens? Or could it be that YAZ is just that strong? I used Ortho before. Any suggestions? I really would like your feed back . Thank you...




  1. The first answer is great.  Also, make sure you are treating your body as if you are already pregnant.  Eat healthy, exercise, and don't smoke or drink.  If you can actually feel your self ovulate, have s*x right that minute, that worked for me.  Good Luck.  My sister was on bc and it took her about 8 months, but prenantals helped.

  2. It can take a few months for your body to get back to normal after getting off bc.  Have you tried OPK or BBT?  If not I would suggest that for two reasons. 1: to make sure you are ovulating and 2: plan bd accordingly. Everything has to be just right for you to get pg.  Just because you did before, doesn't mean you will again this quickly.  Start tracking ovulation, make sure you are taking prenatals, and see your doctor in a few months if you have not gotten pregnant yet.  Best of luck, I know how frustrating it is!

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