
Trying to conceive.How long does sperm last inside my body. Had s*x on sat.I think im ovulating now. any help?

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We're trying to get pregnant. I feel cramps, so I think I am ovulating. I've already had my period and most of the time I can feel when I am ovulating. So, we had s*x on Sat. morning and I am wondering if his s***n is still in me. We're planning on having s*x today and the next few days. Any help would be appreciated.




  1. yes it's possible that their still there... but if you're ovulating i suggest you have s*x today and tomorrow...... increase your chances.

  2. It varies woman to woman depending on the PH balence within your v****a, but its usually around 12-24 hours.. So you wouldn't be pregnant by it "Lasting" in your body.

  3. Sperm can last 24-48 hours


  4. Yes, sperm can live up to 5 days inside a fertile environment, and most certainly 2-3 days.

    However, if you feel yourself ovulating right now, do it RIGHT NOW. The egg is only good for 12-24 hours after release, and sperm takes a while to swim to the fallopian tube. Anything after today won't help you at all.

    I suggest Ovulation Predictor Kits, they give you a day's warning or so.

  5. yeah I believe sperm can live up to two days (48hours)

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