
Trying to conceive! Please Help!!

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Okay, so I know that people say that when you have the cervical mucus that looks like egg white, it is a good time to try to conceive. But when it stops, does that mean that your fertile time is over? For example, on Saturday and Sunday I had the thick egg white cervical mucus. It stopped on Monday and I had unprotected s*x on Monday night. What are my chances of being pregnant? When it stops does this mean you are through ovulating or what? Please help!

**I'm not really sure if it is what they call the "egg white" mucus, it was more like a white color but now it is dry.. thanks




  1. If you have an egg white looking mucus then you could have been ovulating, the best way to tell if you are ovulating is to combine the observations of your cervical mucus along with taking your basal body temperature every morning (you can find a basal body therm. at your local drug store), this will show you when your most fertile times are, that way if you're trying to get preg you can see when is the best time to have s*x, and if you're trying to avoid getting preg, when to avoid... check into It will pin pointing when you ovulate... I would think that if you no longer had cervical mucus when you had intercourse that chances are your fertile period was over.... but notice I said think ;) good luck with whatever you want the outcome to be!

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