Last Monday, I was confirmed for pregnancy with an HCG of 26. Two days later, I was at 19 and the next day, Thursday, I started spotting and continued to bleed for about 4 days, although not heavy at all. I went in for blood work on 9/3 and they said my HCG level was already at 0. According to the nurse, she said that she's surprised that it dropped so fast because usually it takes 4-6 weeks to get a normal cycle and the HCG out of your system completely. My question is this. Being that I was barely pregnant to begin with, with the number only going up to 26 and then one week later I'm at 0, is it safe to get pregnant without waiting the full 3 months? My guess is that my uterus really was not "disrupted" or stressed out by a pregnancy that barely showed on the pregnancy test. My husband and I have a 7 year old daughter so I know that I can carry to term but at the same time, I don't know what the risks are for conceiving too soon. I've also heard that you are more fertile immediately following a miscarriage. Any advice or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks.