
Trying to conceive after miscarriage last month.Body seemed to bounce right back! Any advice?

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So my story goes like this... My periods are 32-36 days long. I always ovulate the 12th day in my cycle. My period came in April on the 19th I ovulated the 30th. I tested positive on HPT on May 22nd. I miscarried June 8th. My period came July 13th and ended the 18th. I should be due to ovulate the 24th that will be cycle day 12. I have been testing since cycle day 7 we have baby d'nced 2 times. When i got pregnant last time it took one month... can i expect the same luck this time?? and also.. when should i test if my period doesnt come in August?

I know i sound like i am getting ahead of my self but I want to be sure of every thing! Is there ne thing else i can do to up my chances.I use ovulation tests, we give a 24 hour recharge period between baby dances, i prop up afterward I try not to think about it or stress about it during the day(working keeps the mind off) Im not stressed out or ne thing I am going to start taking my prenatel vitamins again. What else can we do? Thanks!!




  1. well everyones dr has different advice mine said it ok to go when ever i was ok i had m/c then d&c 4/6 it took till the end of june to ovulate again and i conceived and im 5w2d now,  i feel if my body couldnt handle anther pregnancy it wouldnt have conceived hormones built up the lining of my uterus befor i ovulate so i could get pregnant just like after a period so i dont get people saying your body isnt ready i know my conception date and my due date and i feel great goodluck to you if you decide to wait or go for it

  2. You are not supposed to try for another baby for at least 3 months after you have a miscarriage. While your body might seem like it has adjusted you need to give it time to heal and properly realign the uterus. If you get pregnant sooner you have a greater chance at having another miscarriage or multiples.

  3. You may feel like you bounced right back but if you don't wait the 3 months your chance of miscarriage again are VERY high. I did the same thing I was very impatient about waiting and didn't listen to the Dr.  (Thought I knew better) Well to make a LONG story short I got pregnant the next month passed my first trimester and thought everything was fine and ended up miscarrying at 4 months in and had such a hard time I almost bled out and didn't make it. You should DEFINITELY wait.

  4. I had 3 miscarriages after the 1st it took me almost a year to Get pregnant again but then I miscarried again waited  for 2 cycles miscarried  again then waited until I got my period and got pregnant. I'm due in 5 weeks I think it find to start trying after your get your period Good luck

  5. just a word of encouragement: a good friend of mine had a miscarriage in mid May. and is now around 8 weeks preg. w/ out having a period between. it is definitely possible, i'd pray about it and then talk to your DR.

  6. I am going through the same thing as you, only my periods were irregular before I got pregnant, so you are lucky. I had my miscarriage/d&c in may, but I had my first period the end of june beginning of july. I would keep doing what you are doing and maybe even start tracking your temps. Try That with the ovulation tests will help you determine when you ovulate. As far as when you get pregnant again it could be just as quick. My dr told me that there is no reason to wait and we could start trying as soon as we wanted to. I wanted to wait until I had atleast one period and now that that is out of the way we have been trying like crazy. I think I may have gotten a positive opk so my fingers are crossed.

    Anyways (sorry for rambling) my dr also said that the first few months after a miscarriage you are more fertile! So that i good news for us.

    Well good luck and hopefully we both get a positive soon!!

  7. you should really look in it,i also had a miscarrige and my ob told me if  i wanted to try again atleast wait one full cycle to give your uterus chance to heal back to its normal side..i dont understand why people keep saying wait 3-6 months ,you can get pregnant up 2 weeks after a miscarrige

  8. My sister lost her first son and 16weeks and was told to wait few months b4 trying again she did this but miscarried again, they told her 2wait but she didnt got preggo straight away-had healthy baby girl!! Every1 is different.

    I know you say your relaxed and not stressing but you must be to be thinking about it this much. Chill and let it happen!! Im sure it will and best of luck

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