I got my period July 23. I got off the pill July 26. July 19 was the last day I had an active pill in my system. I was going to get more pills but was at a wedding/vacation and did not get a chance. We had unprotected s*x July 30. I got Plan B (emerg. contracept) on Aug. 1. I felt really bad about doing this because my husband was talking about having another baby at the wedding already. I took the pills for it and felt terrible so i didnt pick up my regular birth control pills because i had been thinking about what he said at the wedding and wanted another baby too. So ne ways, we had unprotected s*x again on aug 4 and 5 and i started bleeding on the 6th light at first, I thought well maybe that is implantation bleeding but more likely im screwed up from the emergency contr. and/or getting off bc pills. Do i count this bleeding as a period because it got heavier and lasted 7 days til Aug 12? We had unprotected s*x the 10th, 12th, and 15th. I took a pregnancy test aug 7 (i know prob too early, but i had a suspicion from coming off pills and it was neg) I took one again aug 14 and it was negative. Should I expect a period shortly and if not take a test (i dont know when to test!) or just assume that I will get a period later now because I bled two weeks later (aug 6) after my july 23 period?