
Trying to conceive after the pill! Should I take a pregnancy test again?!?! ?

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I got my period July 23. I got off the pill July 26. July 19 was the last day I had an active pill in my system. I was going to get more pills but was at a wedding/vacation and did not get a chance. We had unprotected s*x July 30. I got Plan B (emerg. contracept) on Aug. 1. I felt really bad about doing this because my husband was talking about having another baby at the wedding already. I took the pills for it and felt terrible so i didnt pick up my regular birth control pills because i had been thinking about what he said at the wedding and wanted another baby too. So ne ways, we had unprotected s*x again on aug 4 and 5 and i started bleeding on the 6th light at first, I thought well maybe that is implantation bleeding but more likely im screwed up from the emergency contr. and/or getting off bc pills. Do i count this bleeding as a period because it got heavier and lasted 7 days til Aug 12? We had unprotected s*x the 10th, 12th, and 15th. I took a pregnancy test aug 7 (i know prob too early, but i had a suspicion from coming off pills and it was neg) I took one again aug 14 and it was negative. Should I expect a period shortly and if not take a test (i dont know when to test!) or just assume that I will get a period later now because I bled two weeks later (aug 6) after my july 23 period?




  1. I took the pill for many years. When we decided to have a baby, I got off and thought I got pregnant right away b/c I didn't have a period for like 3 months. I got a blood test to be sure and they told me it usually takes three months for you body to get used to being off the pill and start ovulating again. For some it happens sooner. I'm on my 8th month of trying now!

    Good luck to you!

  2. Coming off of hormonal birth control (like the pill) can take some time for your hormones to balance out.  The most important thing for you now, if you want to try to conceive, is to learn to watch your cervical mucus changes so that you'll know when you're in your fertile window and you'll be able to make love just before ovulation.

    Your cycles could be a little mixed up for a few months, so watching your cervical mucus will be best.  If you and your husband want to wait a few months you can use non-hormonal birth control while your hormones balance out and while you start on your prenatals and build your body up for a successful, healthy pregnancy.  The last thing you'd want would be to get a positive test, only to lose the baby early on because your body wasn't ready to support a pregnancy.

    You can learn more about how to determine ovulation and get pregnant fast here:

    Kirstyn Sierra

    Mother of 5

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