
Trying to conceive. cycle of the period varies. how to know my ovulation day?

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Hi Im trying to conceive. My period does not have a regular cycle. It varies.





Im not sure when I will ovulate. So Im planning to use First Response Ovulation kit how far it helps. Do any1 have used earlier? How far it is true? Anyone suggest.




  1. It's you are, trying your hardest to get pregnant..and then on Yahoo answers, you see 13 year olds posting dumb questions about how they became pregnant and how they're so scared! *gasp*

    It's almost a joke, really. My husband and I tried to conceive for a while year. Last year around Thanksgiving time, it finally happened. I think it wasn't happening for a whole year because I was stressing so much over it. I kept thinking about the baby. I kept counting days, researching my ovulation charts, reading about all kinds of crazy methods to conceive a child. I had baby on the brain. Finally in November last year, I gave up. I had a move to think about. I had to pack things, clothes, furniture...had to get an apartment, start paying new bills with my husband, make a road trip to our new state..things were hectic and I forgot about baby-making, and somewhere around that time, it happened. I think when you are anticipating a child, your body isn't going to respond only because of how the stress hormones are high even though you don't know it. And this can even put your cycle off. It sucks, really. I have some really helpful sites for you should check them out:

    Find out when you are ovulating:

    Side effects of personal lubricants when TTC:

    Tips for Conceiving:

    Increasing chances of getting pregnant:

    Good luck..I know it's so freakin frustrating...but it will happen. Like I said, we tried for a I'm 37 weeks and almost ready to say Hello to my own little one. I do wish you the best.

  2. I have irregular cycles and I used OPK answers brand for a cycle and never picked up a positive ovulation. My doc recommended a Clear Blue Easy Fertility monitor. Based on price new ($200) we decided to TTC without worrying too much about it this month. I have been watching for EWCM which can be a great indicator.  

    I'd suggest trying the kit you have in mind and watching for the EWCM. If you aren't getting a positive on the ovulation kit then check out the monitor. I know you can get them on ebay used and reset the monitor by removing the battery.

  3. Do some research on Natural Family Planning... it's about taking your temperature in the AM and checking some fluids and such to predict ovulation.  It's meant for pregnancy prevention, but also works for trying to conceive.  A friend of mine did it and it worked perfect for her to get pregnant.

  4. Most of the ovulation kits are good.  You typically get 7 sticks and use them like an ept in the am.  If ovulating, it will show.

    I also took my temp in the am before getting out of bed.  When you ovulate, your temp will increase.  You are supposed to take it with a non-digital thermometer lying down.

    Not to be gross, but you can also notice your discharge is thicker and almost strand-like when ovulating.  I know TMI, but it is true and another indicator.  

    You could start checking your signs on maybe day 12 to get a baseline.  From day 12 to day 20 should be when you ovulate.

  5. Even i have irregular you have decided ovulation kits are your best bet. I did the same.

    There are some really cheap tests on ...that you can buy in tons for the same money as first responce...just may be they are not just as fancy.

    Also try checking you cervical sometimes it helps in deciding when to start testing the days mentioned on the instruction kit may not work out for women who have irregular periods. Same thing happended to me...the first i just wasted all the tests since i think i did not start testing the right time (as per instruction kit...and you bet i started testing a couple of days early only.) The next month i observed my CM and tested around EWCM and got a positive. Right now preg with #2.

    Good luck.

  6. Instead of an ovulation kit you can check your discharge, clear discharge = fertility and cloudy discharge = not fertile.

    With irregular cycles you can begin intimacy during your period or directly after and continue every three or four days during the month until your next period. This assures the sperm are always in place before the egg drops, regardless of when it does. If you are a later mom, you may find that you ovulate directly after your period, not on a 14 day timeframe. Beginning intimacy directly after your period will increase your chances of conception if this is the case. Best wishes, G


    The same fertility monitor mentioned above.  It tracks your hormone levels EVERY day, not randomly as with OPK's.  Everyone I know has gotten pregnant within months of starting and following the directions to the T!

    Good luck

  8. Get one of those basal thermometers and take your temp every morning. When it's a degree higher have s*x.

    Alternately, you could just not worry about it and let it happen when it happens.

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