
Trying to conceive--have I missed my window?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I are trying to conceive our second child. The last time I charted (for my first), I noticed that I tend to ovulate late, around day 18 instead of the usual 14 or 15. Today is day 18 for me.

For the last week and a half, I've had slightly more CM than normal, but nothing truly stretchy. Last night I started getting stretchy CM and I have a feeling I'll have a lot today and possibly ovulate today.

However--my husband is at work until tonight! If I wait another 10 hours, will I ovulate and be too late? I'm ovulating now and the last time we tried was Monday night. So as far as Monday night and tonight go, what are my chances for conception? I feel like my timing this month has been off. Thanks!!!




  1. you could always check an ovulation calendar.they work pretty good.that's when i found my date and after i finally found the exact date that would be the best it honestly worked =)

    make sure you type in your exact length of days between your first period and your next.i was wondering why it wasn't working and was all based of that.just go to google and type in ovulation calendar and they will all tell you your most fertile time based of your last period.

  2. Normally my EWCM dries up on the actual day of ovulation, so I know that if I have EWCM that day, I can BD that night and still be OK with the timing. Not sure if that's true for everyone, but I think you're probably fine. Remember that the egg normally lives for 24 hours and the Michael Phelps wannabes in DH's sperm can get to the egg in as little as 20 minutes! LOL

    Good luck :)

  3. You can get pregnant the day after you ovulate, although the chances are not as great, as the day before and the day of ovulation are your most fertile. It can't hurt to try. Go for it.

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