
Trying to conceive just got period on 2nd day we tried after elevating legs for 20 mins can I be pregnant?

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I know this sounds stupid, but my husband and I are trying to concieve. We tried on 8/7/08 and my period was 2 days late I took a home test the Clearblue one that says you can take it 5 days prior to missing period, well I was 2 days late and took it and results not pregnant. We tried again on 8/15/08 even though I knew I was not ovulating because my husband knows he has super sperm and I don't need to be ovulating or anything. He is so cute when he said this, how could I argue and explain the reality of what I know. Anyways we tried again on 8/15/08 I held my legs in the air for 20 minutes as I was told 15 years ago I had a tilted uterous, now I am told it is not 15 years later but not to take any chances I did the whole elevated thing to help them swim. I got my period about 4 hours later, and today is day 3 of the period it is heavy and clotty like it normally is about every other month. So I know it is definately a period. My husband reminded me when I was pregnant last time I had my period the whole time and I was on the pill I only found out I was pregnant @ Dr visit for annual and to get more birth control. I actually thought the Dr was wrong and made them schedule ultrasound as I had taken the pill religously back then and did not think it was possible to be pregnant. I was pregnant and they said no worries the pill would not have done anything to baby nor the alchol as it was in my party days when I was 21. I was so scared due to the pill and drinking like a fish and taking cold medicines and everything like normal non pregant people do. They assured me all would be ok, but I lost the baby at about 9 weeks, 2 weeks after finding out I was pregnant and accepting I really was. We have waited 8 years to try again as neither of us wants to go through that again, but I am 30 and I am running out of time to become a Mom. That being said I am really excited we are trying again and happy my hubby wants one so bad that he hopes ovulation is not an issue. Has anyone gotten pregnant and then got period with in a few days? Is it possible this has happened to me? If it is possible do I really have to wait until next month to take another pregnancy test? How many days after thinking one became pregnant with the hormones allow a positive home pregnancy test? Thanks all and sorry about the length of story. Also a cousin of mine had her period during pregnancy too and she delivered a healthy baby boy last year. I guess our family just has period issues or something. Thanks again I will pick best answer for your points ;) Hoping I am pregnant.




  1. Well, I just wanted to say that during my first pregnancy I had a period so I thought that I wasn't pregnant but I found out a month later that I was.  Well now, me and my husband our ttc and I swore that I was pregnant this month, I had all of the symptoms with it but then three days ago I got my period it hasn't really been like it usually is and I am still not sure if I am not pregnant.  So what I am going to do is just wait till next month to see what happens.  

    Baby Dust to you!

  2. Oh good gravy!  some of the answers you get on here SCARE me.  LOL!

    Your egg, once you ovulate will live for 12-24 will NOT implant into the uterine lining unless it is fertilized by sperm.  So please don't even give that first answerer a second look.  

    That said, if you are having irregular cycles, and you got your period right after having s*x, I'd say you're not likely pregnant.   It happens, but it is extremely rare.   I would schedule an appointment with a Dr.  And 30 is nowhere close to 'running out of time.'  I am 40 and trying.  You're making me feel old!  LOL!

    Good luck!

  3. Well, you have said a mouthful. That being said, if you had s*x and then your menstrual started the same day, you can still conceive if the egg has not been discharged. Your menstrual starts when the egg has attached to the lining of the uterus and is ready to be discharged. If a sperm has fertilized that egg before it has come out during your menstrual, than you could get pregnant. It is best to take a blood test at the doctors around the time you are expecting your next menstrual. This is going to be your only sure fire way of finding out. Good luck and don't stress it.  

  4. Well I'm 3mo pregnant and I've been having my period and spotting on and off during this time and throwing up so i was pretty much surprised to hear i was far along I'm 21 and i weight 110 right now so i guess i could not tell i was pregnant cause i had a eating disorder for 2 yr I'm healthy now so i hope my baby will be fine just relax stress will not help good luck.

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