
Trying to conceive tips?

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me & my dh decided to start trying for another baby, Does anybody have any tips that would help me




  1. Try having him hold out as much as possible... the longer it takes to get to o****m, the more will be delivered. A friend once told me that he would get just on the verge, then take a short break and get back to it and it had... very good results...

    of course he wasn't going for impregnation... unless he birthed a hand

  2. Well Congratulations on TTC!

    Firstly, you should definitely start taking prenatal vitamins!

    You also may want to get in the best shape possible, because pregnancy is a hard strain on your body and the more "fit" you are the easier your labor and the easier your body will bounce back!

    Then, there are a few things that "may" work for some people and may not work for others...but ive heard...that the following things have "helped" some women get pregnant:

    -Brazilian Nuts

    -Vitex, hormone balancing herb (this one helped me get pregnant!!)

    -Green Tea

    -Preseed (helps you ovulate)


    -Progesterone (some women have a short luteal phase, which doesnt allow  much time to sustain a pregnancy...but progesterone is a hormone that helps to sustain the pregnancy)

    -You can also try elevating your hips and laying on your back after s*x, this helps the little guys make their way toward your eggie!

    - Lastly, remain positive...don't get too stressed out about making a baby, the stress can work against you!


  3. It's important to be aware of your cycle and knowing the right time to try conceiving. There are times in a woman's cycle that she cannot conceive, so around the middle is the best time.

    Some people save intercourse for the most fertile days for the best result. There could be some truth in that, but I've also heard that couples should make love more often around the middle of the cycle to increase their chances of conception. Good luck, I hope you have success with whatever tip you try.

  4. Good luck and baby dust!

    I would like to steer you towards because this site is very user friendly, easy to figure out and has a butt load of valuable information.  There are really two ways you can "try" which is actively and inactively.

    Inactively trying is like when you know about the time you would generally ovulate and guessing.  If you have a high-stress job or a lot going on in your life, this is the way to go.  Chart your cycles every month and have s*x every other day during the cycle and everyday during the time when you would ovulate.

    Actively trying is a more accurate and direct approach.  It can be time consuming and frustrating as well.  Chart your cycles, use BBT (which is explained on FertilityFriend), use ovulation predictor kits, etc.

    After s*x elevate your butt on a pillow so that your pelvic area is pointed as far south as possible.  Take prenatals while TTC to ensure that if you do become pregnant you will already be providing nourishment to your child.

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