
Trying to convince my parents that I should be able to stay up

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I'm 15, it's summer, and I like staying up until 3-6 AM, but my parents get so mad at me for it. Their reasons are:

~Bad for my health

~Not normal

~Screwed up eating times

Can someone help me figure out how to explain to them that I should be able to stay up later? They only want me to stay up until 12, usually earlier.




  1. trust don't want to get into a habit of staying up late. i'm 12, and i stayed up late too much, and now it's 1 in the morning, and i can't go to sleep. the first answer is above me is right.

  2. What are you doing when you stay up? I assume you are on the computer, which is probably what worries them more. What IS there to do at that hour anyway?? I'm only 30 so I still remember what I was like at 15. I had a 2am curfew and NO ONE I knew was allowed to stay out that late so I ended up at home by midnight anyway. 6am is WAY too late. It will s***w up your meals, metabolism, not to mention it will be pretty darn hard to get back to a school schedule when the time comes. It's just not a good idea in life in general, unless you plan on getting a job working midnights (which is what I am doing now). Sorry, I guess I am officially old...I agree with your rents.

  3. As long as you get 8hrs sleep, its healthy.

    Plenty normal. Look at all the people answering right now.

    Eating times- yeah this is kinda messed up for me too. I eat breakfast at 11AM and I never eat lunch then have supper with my family. So not that bad unless you eat all meals with your parents.

  4. Maybe they just want you to goto bed so they can have alone time without you up.

  5. Well, let's break down their reasons.

    Bad for your health: As long as you're getting enough sleep for you (this is different from person to person), it's not bad for your health at all. I stay up till around 3 in the morning and sleep until around 2 in the afternoon.

    Not normal: Some people are just night owls. Not day people. It completely depends on who you are. There's no normal sleep pattern.

    Screwed up eating times: ... How does staying up late s***w up your eating times?

    Besides, it's summer. Who the h**l cares when you sleep and when you're awake? If you have stuff to do during the day, then it'd make sense, but if you don't, it doesn't.

  6. You know, they're right. They're just worried for your health. Abnormal sleeping habits can s***w up your hormones, and since you're still growing, that's a really bad thing.

  7. 1. Tell them its summer, and that you're tired of a schedule, like as if school was going.

    2. Tell them that if you eat snacks at all, that you'll choose something healthy, like veggies or fruit.

    3. Tell them that on August 15th, or about 2 weeks before school starts, that you'll start going to bed by your bedtime, and that you'll do that the rest of the summer.

    4. Summer is half-way over, and tell them you want to try something new.

    5. It's normal because every other teen seems to do it, and it can be bad for your health, only if your burning the candle at both ends.

    6. when I say burning the candle at both ends, I mean that you're going to bed at 3am and then waking at 6,7, or 8am, because then you're limited on sleep, and have a higher chance of getting sick.

    7. Tell them you'll wake up before 12 pm, or maybe even 11am or 1pm?

    8. Can you make some sort of deal with them. Like that if you try this and you get sick, then you'll go back to going to be by 12?

    9. Tell them you'll take airborne to prevent sickness! (:

    10. Be convincing! You sound like you really want this, and show them that you do!

    Good luck.

    Hope I helped!

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