
Trying to decide on a flight... are these airlines good?

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I am planning a trip and I normally fly Delta or Jetblue (which are my favorite airlines). However, the cheapest tickets by far for this trip are continental airlines or US Airways. Are these good airlines to fly with? I'm really hesitant to fly a new airline but if they are decent, I'd like to save the money...




  1. Yes they are good.

    Been travling since I was 2.

    I am 10 now.

  2. well, you can check out the best airlines on aol for the month's best and worst airlines, and decide from it...also us airways was very good when i went in january but it got the worst for last what ever works for u let me know because my little brother and i are goin on a trip in july

  3. I haven't flown Continental, but it's always hit or miss with US Airways.  I've been delayed on numerous occasions and the planes are not the cleanest; the attendants are friendly enough though.  Even though my friends call it "USeless Airways," US isn't horrible, but certainly not the best.  If you're looking at saving a significant amount of money by flying US though, I think it's worth it.

  4. I've had terrible luck with Continental in the past, but never had a problem with USAirways.  I don't like them as well as Delta or United, but I've never had trouble. I hate Continental and Northwest.

  5. Since you fly Delta a lot, then you probably have a SkyMiles account.  Continental and Delta are in an alliance where you can earn Delta miles for flying on Continental.  Therefore I would recommend choosing Continental.  Continental has relatively good service for a legacy carrier.  I would avoid US Airways.

  6. Continental is by FAR the best US airline. Its not even close in my opinion. I fly just about every airline and can tell you this with certainty.

  7. Jay Leno Quote:

    "So today terrorists were detained to Guantanamo Bay, in Cuba. On the plane they were sedated, blindfolded, and bound to their seats. Or as Continental Airlines like to call it: Coach."

    That's Funny

  8. I think US Airways is the worse airlines out there.   I've had numerous bad experiences with them (one very recent).

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