
Trying to decide where to run my first marathon sometime in late October. Any suggestions w/ reasons? Thanks!?

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Trying to decide where to run my first marathon sometime in late October. Any suggestions w/ reasons? Thanks!?




  1. My favorite is the Twin Cities Marathon (beautiful scenery and almost perfect weather) but it may be closed for entry now.  Chicago (great organization) and Columbus (easy for friends/family to see you) are two other October marathons that are good to run for first timers.  The New York City (fun course) and Portland (relaxed atmosphere) marathons are in late fall also.  Good luck with your training!

  2. You can find a list of possibilities here:


    Chicago has already filled up unless you can get an application through one of the charities and that could be expensive.

    I've run Twin Cities in the '80s it was a really nice course but got a little hilly between 15 and 20. I don't know if they still run the same course.

    I've heard that Big Sur is a pretty course.

    I've watched parts of Portland. It looked like a good course. The weather there should be idea at that time of year.

    Milwaukee should also be having good weather that time of year. That course is point to point running almost entirely north to south along or near Lake Michigan.

  3. For your first marathon you definitely want a flat surface. Hills and heat will eat you alive. Next week (too soon, I know) is the Fargo, N.D. marathon. Becoming very popular for those two reasons — good to keep in mind later when you need a fast course to qualify for Boston.

    Bismarck, North Dakota, has theirs on September 20 — on River Road along the Missouri River (Lewis and Clark Trail country). Beautiful, scenic place and course is limited to just 750 participants. Also flat and fast.

    You don't want to do this on a 90 degree hot and humid day, so late October is a good choice. Consider the Twin Cities Marathon on Oct. 5. Columbus (OH) is on Oct. 19. Choices are limited if you have to wait until October. See you in Bismarck in Sept. Not crowded. Good centralized local. Custer was healthy when he left.

  4. I'm training for the Denver Marathon on October 19, 2008.  The terrain is very flat, no more than a 200 foot change, from the State Capitol through some very fun downtown areas and around a lake.  It's only a three-year-old marathon but all the comments on it say it's fun, well-organized, great fans, great volunteers, great food and entertainment.  It already has the reputation as being a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon, so that gives it some credibility.  

    The link below has some of the comments people have said about it, plus a Google Maps youtube video of the race route!

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