
Trying to eat healthy, hows my diet?

by Guest56922  |  earlier

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I'm a male about 5'9" 150lbs. and very active. Here is a sample of my diet.

Breakfast: Oatmeal, 2 eggs, banana, orange juice

Lunch:Turkey avocado sandwich on wheat bread with carrots or apple

Dinner:Veggie pizza on pita bread

maybe some sports drink throughout the day.

Hows it look?




  1. sport drinks are really bad for the body. you need more meat in the deit and don't always have pizza. Anything is not healthyif you have to much of it.

  2. Looks pretty awesome to me. Make it a lifestyle and not a will work a lot better:)

  3. pretty S****y

    see a specialist  

  4. woah you eat all that for breakfast? I can barely get down one egg before 10 o'clock. but it evens out with the rest of what you eat so yeah you should be good

  5. not too bad! just make sure you don't eat the same thing every day; your body likes a variety of fruits and vegetables. but good job! and since you say you're very active, i don't need to suggest exercise. =]

  6. Pretty good!

    Your breakfast is a little big though, I would have either 2 eggs OR oatmeal but if you really need it to keep your BSL up then its fine because your very active.

    For Lunch, Avacado is good, but maybe you should switch it up with spinach and a slice of cheese. Don't eat tomatoes, they mess up your metabolism.

    Dinner sounds good!

    I would also drink a lot more water!

    Otherwise, yeah you did really good!

  7. umm let's see

    breakfast-Powfect!!! lol it's very good dominantly carbs which is what u want for breakfast and a good sized meal about 500cals just a bit over if it's 12oz OJ then 550cals 8oz about 500

    Lunch- good but add a glass of low fat milk 12oz is good and the apple or carrot good that right there about 300cals w/ the milk 450 add the milk!!! u need it between lunch and dinner have a snack u wanna keep ur metabalism going have a banana or a protein bar w/ a glass of milk thatd be a good 200-350 depending what kind of protein bar or just the fruit and milk

    and dinner good good sports drinks arent good try powerade zero though it tastes the same 0 cals

    total if u add the snack itd balance ur diet more keep it good and ud be at 1900cals if ur dinner is about 500cals im guessing which is perfect for ur size idk what ur goal is though gaining muscle no losing weight if u add exercise yes..maintaining weight u wanna eat another snack to make it 2200cals total otherwise ur good

  8. hi

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