
Trying to find a location in Canada?

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Doing the family tree, and have a (Scottish) birth certificate which shows the parents married in Canad. The location given looks like Nugava, but a Google search gives no clues. The father's occupation was given as fur trapper and I have an idea that he ended up as a manager with the Hudson Bay Company

Any help would be appreciated




  1. It looks like it's Niagara to me. That was where most of the Hudson Bay traders lived in the off-season if they weren't in Sault Ste Marie.

  2. theres loads of locations in my maps of canada post me a place name and reply with the directions on how to get there.

  3. Niagara is also in Canada; but far east from Manitoba.


    UNGAVA shows up on this page as a district in Canada. Fur trapping always yells Manitoba to me, but that's not always true.

    There are also maps linked on this page, that might be of use to you.

  5. You can search for the location on google earth or msn's virtual earth.

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