
Trying to find a porcelain doll.......HELP?!?

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There was this porcelain doll I saw when I was younger, and she was so cute. I still remember her face. But not her brand. She had short, straight brown hair, with sad brown eyes, and was holding a tan long eared small stuffed bunny under her arm. She was a normal sized porcelain doll. And she wore a dress. Please someone, do you know the brand or something about her? I would really like to maybe find her, for some strange reason. Thanks!




  1. Hi Luv!

    Ok this is  just wild in the  dark guess...but it sounds like you are describing the type of dolls Diane Effner is famous for sculpting. Here is a link to a site that may help

    Go there and scroll down until you see "Expressions older child to teens...then look for doll named Jenny 1 (Everday Jenny) and see if she is the one you are looking for.  If so I know there are dolls made by Effner on Ebay. Also try googling  Diane Effner as she makes several other dolls that look like Jenny :)

    Hope this helps and please LMK



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