
Trying to find my biological father

by  |  earlier

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I have decided to try and locate my biological father. I have his first and last name and an estimate of his age. But of course you can only get so far on these find sites before you have to pay. Does anyone know any good search agencies and how much something like this may cost.




  1. you can usually get a trial for three days and you pay like 99 cents andthen you cancel when you are done

  2. if you find away can you let me know to.


  3. if you find out how to find your father, tell me about it cuz i plan on finding my biological family sometime too and have no idea how to start!! good luck!

  4. sometimes, your local library has a geneology group.ya know, the people who look up your past and present relatives,and if they dont, they might know of another place who can help------- .

  5. nope..cause it varies...

  6. Open the phone book and find a private detective...but the question is why do u want to find him so badly?

  7. i would try



    anyone of those sites, he may be older but i know plenty of people older that have them

    and lots of people have found family through those type of sites

    good luck

  8. sometimes you could be lucky and someone here may know him mention his name here and see. you can go to and mention there about him and mabye he'll see it did you knw what state hes in? that sometimes helps if you can put in ad at the newspaper> there are many things to do is only one i would try and pay for its not too expensive. take care.

  9. Are you really serious/ listen up this is what you do no cost but a lot of results. Place an ad  on the web site/ my name is/ looking for my biological father.Have his name posted just  maybe some one whom knows of him or himself mite read.Be your self and mean what you say and explain how important this means to you to get together Ok.

  10. There  are  books,  one  is  "How to find  anyone  anywhere "that  guide  you how to do searches.  It  was  at  library few  years  back.  Sorry can't  remember  mans  name  wrote it.  If  you get a hit on  soc  sec  number  you can  have  a  message of  want  to  contact through the  soc  sec  ofice but  not  sure  what rules  are  now.  Another  way is  just  ask  as  many relatives to get  clues of  work he  did, if  he  remarried, sister , brothers, check for  clues in  obituarys which are open  records.  so on.  Good  luck.

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