
Trying to get a college education with a family..?

by Guest58533  |  earlier

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Trying to get a college education with a family..????

ok, so just when things start to look up. my husband got a promotion and i'm starting back in school. i get no break. I just found out i'm pregnant. whish is god's gift.but we just found out we have to move and no where to go. So, we have to move in with my mom for a little while to get back on our feet.I start school this monday. And i'm stressed.I'm just trying to get my life straight.My mom is mad that we are moving in and i don't want to but we have nothing else we can do. So my question is. How do i get out of this mess. And can i actualy go to school and raise a baby and have a stable home for our family. I'm very down and i don't know what else to do. Please share some insight or suggestions. Thank you very much and sorry it's so long.

7 minutes ago - 3 days left to




  1. it seems we may have the same problem. I am starting school in two weeks and my husband wants a baby from me like crazy... You on the other hand can still do it. Dont let this push you back. fight! go to school get back on your feet and ask your husband and mom for support.

  2. Sure you can. I did it. Sometimes it isn't easy, but,it can be done.Good luck with school and congratulations. As far as your mom is concerned, you are 2 grown up people and you need to take care of yourselves. Find a place to rent and don't put the burden on your mom.Its not up to her to take care of you anymore.

  3. I am also experiencing the same- is it possible for you to study out of school? like at home- by correspondence i think they call it?  That would allow you to look after your baby and study at home - it would be hard trying to balance the two but it is possible.

    Just remember that while it will be hard during this time it will be easier once you have finished your study.

    As long as you have encouragment and support and stay focussed you can do anything!!

    Good luck

  4. I have a friend who is dirt poor with a newborn baby boy and stayed in college.  

    If she can do it you can.  

    How did your husband get a promotion and now you have to move back home?  You lost your place?  

    You'll be just fine.  But it will test your marriage so try to be open with each other.  Just tell him stress isnt good for the baby.  Tell 'grandma' that as well to get her off your back.  

    You are more resilient than you think you are.  Stick with school.  

  5. think about it this way: you have 9 months to get in as many courses as possible.

    i would spend the time while pregnant going to school.  frankly, that's the easy part.  take five courses a semester and take courses during the summer as well.

    when the baby comes take a semester off. (you'll need a break). then take night courses here and there.  if you keep your eye on the prize (and don't get pregnant again) you should be able to graduate in due time.

    now the real question is how are you going to afford school.  you and your husband will have to decide that.

    yeah, and get out of your mom's house as soon as you can, it'll just stress you more.

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