
Trying to get a slightly healthier lifestyle without being miserable?

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I'm 5' 3'' 123 lbs, so I'm not over weight or anything. I've just been looking to get a little fat off my stomach and thighs. My lifestyle right now is not really healthy in the least, really.

For breakfast I generally eat hot chocolate and some sort of chocolaty granola bar. My lunch on weekends in either spaghettiO's, canned soup, or pizza, and during the week days chips and cookies and whatever I feel like getting out of the vending machine. I also have a snacks between lunch and dinner and after, candy(mostly chocolate), ice cream, etc. Dinner, is probably the healthiest thing I eat, since it's home cooked and made by my mom, who enjoys eating as healthy as possible.

As for exercise, I take the dogs for a quick walk maybe once a day on the weekends. I rarely play DDR....maybe once a week, and I go to tae-kwon-do also maybe once a week, though the classes are mostly form which isn't all that great exercise.

Now my question to you guys...what changes can I make to my lifestyle, that won't make me grumpy? If I don't eat chocolate in some form at least once a day I get very cranky and irritable and....I don't know why, but it's just one of those weird things about me. How should I start out exercising...and what are some lenient diet restrictions I can impose?

Thanks for the help :)




  1. Try a chocolate breakfast shake, or have hot chocolate and a banana, or the chocolate granola bar and a fruit smoothie.  Try bringing a piece of fruit or a healthier snack with you and eating that before getting something from a vending machine. Look at the labels before you buy soup or pizza and go for a healthier one. Try a pizza with just vegetables, or at least with vegetables on it. Try fat free frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, or just low fat ice cream, whatever. Try every so often doing something active with your friends, instead of sitting around talking or instant messaging try going for a walk, or swimming.

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