
Trying to get him to eat? Did your little one go through this?

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My 7 month old is typically a great eater, which is great in my opinion since he's only 16 lbs. He's been teething for about two months, but in the last week it has really gotten worse, and my poor little guy is hurting and fussing more often than usual. He's not really interested in his foods right now either, bottle or solids. He still eats, and is having wet diapers, but he just doesn't have too much interest in foods. did your little one go through this? What did you do to encourage him to eat? He used to love eating his solids, but right now he's just eating bites and he makes faces at every food...even bananas which are his favorite. What can I do for him? Is this likely just a phase?




  1. My 7 month old daughters doing this..and after her tooth popped up she was eating normal again..

  2. Don't worry... mother nature knows better. He will eat as much as he needs, no more no less. As long as he keeps putting on weight, there is nothing to worry about. However, if you want to make him more interested, try some new tastes... Don't forget that teething is not an easy thing.

  3. You're right! A sudden disinterest in solid foods is a classic sign that a tooth is on it's way ( it can also mean other things so if it doesn't get better in a day or two, I'd call the doctor). As long as he's still taking in a good amount of milk ( which may decrease a bit ,too) and it doesn't last longer than a few days, I'd attribute it to teething and try not to worry or push the issue.  

    Good luck!

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